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Just when Aura landed in the park, she saw Spiderman being thrown into a tree by an alien.

Landing on one knee, she acted on instinctively throwing her hands out to catch Spiderman from colliding with the tree. White and purple magic surrounded him stopping him inches before getting hit, catching him in the middle of the air.

Spiderman noticed the familiar magic and glanced over while hovering in the air, to see Aura kneeling on the other side of the park. Beside her, the hero Slate landed from the air and charged at the alien who was throwing punches at Iron Man who needed assistance in defending.

Aura gave Spiderman a nod, which he returned. She got to her feet and dropped her hands, rushing towards him to make sure he wasn't harmed. Jogging up to him, Spiderman brushed himself off and watched her approach.

"I thought you weren't going to come." He teased lightly while breathing deeply from being thrown across the park.

Aura shrugged, stopping feet in front of him. "I wanted to be fashionably late." She retorted with sarcasm in her voice.

Spiderman chuckled. The sound of metal clashing on metal struck their attention over towards Iron Man, who was fighting with Slate to take down the alien. The large built alien was grey and looked like a giant sumo-wrestler.

Well, in Jocelyn's opinion.

Aura and Spiderman shared a look, mutually agreeing to attack at the same time. Spiderman webbed up to some trees, jumping up for a higher attack while Aura stayed near the ground with her magic brewing around her hands as she sprinted towards him.

Iron Man threw a blast towards the alien who deflected it with his weapon. Iron Man inhaled sharply seeing the deadly weapon turn on him. Just when the alien's weapons was seconds away from impaling him, tree roots wrapped around the aliens wrist stopping his movement. The alien looked at it confused and Spiderman took that hesitation to his advantage, shooting and hitting the weapon with a web while jumping over him, causing the weapon to fly into the ground on the other side of the park. Spiderman landed behind him, glancing over his shoulder to see the defenceless alien. The alien's eyes went wide, looking at the last annoyed hero to see her sprinting towards him. Aura threw her arms out in front of her causing the alien to fly back and smack into a tree, landing on the ground with a groan.

"Yes!" Aura chimed, stopping right next to Iron Man excited that they took him down. Iron Man looked at the girl shocked of her presence.

Spiderman jogged up to Aura and high-fived her in excitement before Slate soon approached to the other side of Iron Man, with a gleeful smile. Iron Man glanced at the three teen heroes and groaned.

"Geez, you kids multiply faster than bunnies." Iron Man sighed, looking ahead at the alien who was starting to stand up. The alien shook his head and glared at the heroes angrily, getting to his feet. He spat out from his mouth and began approaching the heroes.

"So, what is this guy's problem, Mr. Stark?" Spiderman asked as the alien threw a tree at them causing the group to divide.  Aura and Spiderman took the left and Slate and Iron Man took the right.

The alien picked up his weapon that was stuck in the ground near him. He swung it as Iron Man approached and dodged easily. Slate attacked with roots, planning on getting him stuck therefore defenceless. But the alien predicted the attack and swung his arm at Slate, striking him in the chest to cause him to fly back.

Aura was sprinting towards the alien but glanced at Slate worried from the hit. He was kneeling on the ground near a tree and holding his waist in pain. She brought her attention back ahead, knowing Lucas would be okay and she just had to focus.

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