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The next morning was nerve-wracking for Jocelyn.

She had barely slept a wink all night yet she was filled with adrenaline. Her worry for Spiderman kept her heart racing and questions of the mysterious girl kept her mind running. She felt like she had five cups of coffee and ran three marathons.

Jocelyn's knee bounced anxiously sitting in her desk chair staring at the clock hanging from the classroom wall. Biting down on the back of her pencil she counted down the seconds till lunch. Each second passing was one closer to the end of the day, when all of her questions would be answered.

Gwen sat beside her shooting her a casual worried look. 

Jocelyn hadn't spoken to her since class started. In fact, Jocelyn had barely spoken to anyone this morning. Walking straight into school and to her first class of the day without making usual conversation with her three close friends. Strangely, she hadn't even spoken to Peter in Spanish last period. Who also found her silence odd.

"-trading the electrons will result in a new bonding. Meaning this new bond will spark a shift..." Ms. Reynolds continued to explain nuclear bonding. 

But Jocelyn's full attention was on the classroom's clock not listening to Ms Reynolds lecture.

Gwen glanced beside her to her friend frowning softly. Jocelyn was absent mindlessly staring off into space to notice anything around her. Gwen was worried and concerned for Jocelyn, unsure what caused his.

Gwen nudged Jocelyn to get her attention. "Are you okay?" Gwen whispered quietly.

Jocelyn finally looked off of the clock and towards the blonde beside her. She sighed seeing Gwen's worry.

 "Y-yeah. Just thinking." Jocelyn responds honestly.

Gwen frowned at the bland response but knew not to push it. She had a hunch that whatever occupied Jocelyn's mind had to do with Aura and couldn't risk asking questions here surrounded by classmates.


Gwen and Jocelyn heads snapped ahead towards the voice, noticing everyone looking their way. 

Ms Reynolds had called on the two girls when noticing them chatting instead of listening. A disappointed look formed on her face while all other students turned in their seats to look at the girls. 

Gwen and Jocelyn grew uncomfortable under the stares, smiling apologetically. A few kids around them snickered and Ms Reynolds sighed.

"Can one of you two answer the question on the board?"

Both girls looked off of the teacher and onto the white board behind them. Behind her was a chemical equation to form a new solution. Jocelyn bit the inside of her cheek running through the equation in her head. Gwen beside her mumbled the equation to herself and the steps that followed.

"H2O plus sodium di-fluoride." Jocelyn spoke up within a few seconds.

Ms Reynolds nodded at the answer. "Correct, Miss Evans. Please try to keep your attention up front, ladies." She spoke sternly.

The two girls nodded in response falling silent for the rest of the class.


"How dare you discriminate against pineapple pizza!" 

"It's just not natural." 

Harry and Mary Jane continued to argue about the popular topic whether pineapple belongs on pizza during their lunch period. The four friends sat at their normal table in the busy cafeteria. The table was close to the middle of the cafeteria, making it hard to hear another from the surrounding conversations. Which Gwen took to her advantage.

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