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"It is $47.55, Miss." The taxi driver informed looking at Jocelyn through the rearview mirror.

Jocelyn opened her book bag on her lap and pulled out fifty dollar bill. She shuffled forward from the back seat and handed it to the driver through the small opening in the glass.

"Keep the change." Jocelyn forced a small smile.

The driver mumbled a thanks as Jocelyn slid out from the backseat and onto the busy sidewalk in downtown New York city. Jocelyn let out a nervous breath, closing the back door and looking up a the large skyscraper in front of her. The sidewalks were full of pedestrians rushing to work and brushing past the young teenager. The streets full of cars honking at once another and a few swears being shouted by drivers and the smell of a hot dog stand around the corner filled Jocelyn's lungs.

The taxi took off down the road when the door closed, leaving Jocelyn staring up at a large building in the center of the city. The entire building was made from windows and had a "r' shaped top, being a landing pad for jets and helicopters. On top of the building, by the curve of the structure, was a giant "A" on it.

Jocelyn felt intimidated by the large building towering over the little girl. 

Taking a deep breath, her eyes fell off the large skyscraper and to it's door. She forced herself forward to the main doors and she opened the front door. Right away, she was met with a couple security guards and a few metal detectors.

After emptying her pockets and stepping through the large machine, she passed through security and was welcomed into the lobby. Large windows surrounded the room, lighting up the building with natural light. A small waiting room was across from a receptionist desk, being filled of a few black leather couches and a television playing the local news station, The Daily Bugle. People in suits or dresses rushed through the lobby having somewhere important to be. Running into the elevator or other doors in the lobby, which were unlocked by a swipe of their ID card.

Jocelyn felt imitated in the busy building regretting coming all the way here. But she was already here and it was too late to turn around.

Jocelyn approached the receptionist desk where a woman with black hair tied up in a pony tail sat. She was on the phone and was smiling sweetly to whoever was on the other end. Her pale skin was complimented by her tan dress. Her appearance was perfect, not a single hair out of place or wrinkle spotted on her dress.

"Excuse me?" Jocelyn muttered stepping up to the desk.

The woman glanced up from the phone to see the teenage girl across from her. The woman's smile widened and held up a index finger, implying that she needs a second.

"Of course, Mr. Barton. I will make sure to pass along that message." The woman replied on the phone. She paused for a moment to allow the other person to answer and continued. "Yes, of course. Take care, sir."

The woman hung up the phone her smile never fading as she looked up at Jocelyn. She shuffled some papers aside on her desk, tiding up the mess.

"Hi there, honey. What can I do for you?" She asked sweetly glancing at Jocelyn.

Jocelyn shifted her weight nervously. "Is, uh, Mr. Stark here? I-I was hoping to speak with him..."

The woman's smile fell hearing the news. "Oh honey, do you have an appointment with him? Unfortunately Miss, Mr. Stark is a busy man to meet with visitors randomly." She clarified.

"Oh, I, um, don't have an appointment. But can you please just tell him that Jocelyn Evans is here to see him? Please. I really need to talk with him." Jocelyn begged.

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