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A few days later:

A lot has happened at Midtown since Homecoming. 

First, the famous senior Liz Allen moved away from Queens when her dad was taken into custody for a series of major crimes. Jocelyn was devastated to hear she was losing her close friend and co-captain. But Liz promised to text Jocelyn every day to maintain their friendship, though so far have been failing to maintain that promise. 

Second, with Liz's absence and Jocelyn stepping down from co-captain, Michelle was promoted to captain of the Decathlon team. After Jocelyn's dad forced her to go see a therapist again, Jocelyn decided to take her therapist advice and lift up her workload a bit. Beginning by passing up the position of being co-captain of the Decathlon team. The Decathlon team was a huge part of Jocelyn's life and she couldn't leave the team fully. But doesn't want that burdening responsibility on her shoulders as co-captain. Plus, Michelle made an excellent captain.

Lastly, Midtown also got a new student: Lucas Davis.

The girls are fawning over him and his cheeky smirk already and Lucas doesn't seem to mind. Harry Osborn and Lucas Davis instantly became close friends when Lucas made the schools football team and the two became the most popular and attractive duo at Midtown High within a series of days.

A lot has happened in the past few months and Jocelyn had somehow been maintaining her life. After the plane crash, Tony Stark had asked her to join the Avengers about a month ago. But as previously stated, she was trying to lighten up her workload. Not add onto it. The main reason she has been able to hold on her life for so long is thanks to her therapist, family, friends, and Lucas. She honestly doesn't know where she would be without them.

"What do you mean you can't come on the field trip next Friday?!" Jocelyn whined to Mary Jane though the loud conversations in the school hallways that made it hard to hear.

"I'm sorry, Jocie. But my cousin is getting married and I am one of the bridesmaids." Mary Jane frowned apologetically in return.

Jocelyn huffed and ran a hand through her smooth curled hair messing it up. The schools field trip to The Museum of Modern Art was in a week and Mary Jane was the only one who was willing to go, other than Lucas. Gwen had a soccer game that day and Harry said it sounded boring (though Jocelyn suspected Harry wanted to go cheer on Gwen), so neither could attend. There was nothing wrong with Lucas going but Jocelyn had been hoping to include another friend to keep some distance between the two. 

Ever since the girls talk about Jocelyn's feelings for Lucas at the sleepover, she decided she wanted to take things slow. Which was failing miserably.

The two had become insanely close since they met since S.H.I.E.L.D. (and Tony Stark) made sure Lucas and Jocelyn shared every class together. With their living accommodations, identical class schedules, and similar heroic lives, the two teens spent every free second with each other and Jocelyn is worried that they were rushing to quickly into things. 

"I will make it up to you." Mary Jane promised over the loud conversations surrounding them. Jocelyn sighed and forced a smile. "I'll bring a tub of vanilla ice cream and a bag of salt and vinegar chips that evening for our weekly sleepover." Mary Jane smiled, leaning on the toes of her feet in excitement.

Jocelyn couldn't help but smile at Mary Jane's bubbly personality. "Add a chocolate bar to the mix and you are forgiven." Jocelyn teased.

Mary Jane giggled and nodded in agreement. Jocelyn returned the smile, turning to her locker to flick the lock back and forth to insert the correct combination. An arm weight was added around her shoulder and she glanced over her shoulder seeing Lucas standing there with a grin.

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