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Jocelyn giggled laying on her back and rolled her head to the side, to look at the green-masked boy beside her. Lucas and Jocelyn were laying on the familiar cement apartment rooftop sharing their best pick up lines for the past hour. 

It was Thursday after school and the two teen heroes sprinted to the streets of Queens to stop crime right after Decathlon practice was over. But instead found themselves chatting on top of Jocelyn's favourite rooftop due to the lack of crime around.

"That has to be the worst one yet." Jocelyn declared with a laugh.

Lucas' mask only covered his eyes and forehead, exposing his smile on his lips. His head rolled to the side to glance at Jocelyn and his mask eyes narrowed but his smile remained.

"You're telling me you aren't turned on?" He teased playfully.

Jocelyn rolled her eyes under her mask, though her smile remained present. "Not the slightest." 

Lucas scoffed and Jocelyn laughed at his response. Jocelyn looked back up at the clouds overhead and Lucas moved his arm under his head, staring at the white and purple mask on Jocelyn's face.

"Okay, then give me your best one." Lucas prompt himself up on his arm and rolled on his side to look at Jocelyn better.

Jocelyn hummed trying to decide which one would be best to share. Her eyes widened and she cleared her throat thinking of the perfect one.

"Ahem, if you were a triangle," She paused glancing over at Lucas who was waiting with a smile. "You would be an acute one." Jocelyn shot him a wink that her mask mimicked.

Lucas burst out laughing and Jocelyn grinned victoriously under her mask at his response. Lucas shook his head, "A math line!? That is the worst one yet." He laughed in disbelief.

Jocelyn found herself laughing along, knowing how cheesy and cringy it sounded but thought it was a pretty good line.

"Ahem." Someone cleared their throat behind them angrily.

Jocelyn and Lucas both sat up and glanced back, seeing Spiderman standing on the other end of the rooftop glaring at both of them. His arms were crossed and his posture was stiff, visibly angry.

Peter was swinging by when he saw two figures at their rooftop. This was the rooftop where Aura and him met every weekend, where they share deep conversations, where they shared their first kiss. This was their spot and Aura revealed it to Slate. To say he was hurt was an underestimate. Peter was upset and infuriated.

Sure he has seen Slate and Aura around each other, and Jocelyn and Lucas are always attached to the others hip. But he draws the line now seeing them at their spot.

"Spider-boy!" Jocelyn cheered excitedly springing to her feet not noticing his anger. "I haven't seen you in forever!" She squealed, moving closer to engulf him in a hug

Spiderman's glare stayed on Slate as he stood up from the concrete rooftop. He brushed himself off and glanced up at the other hero to meet his glare. Slate smile fell and his lips curled into a frown. His eyes narrowed confused when seeing the deadly glare being shot his way by the "friendly" neighbourhood Spiderman.

"I've been busy." Spiderman said blandly dropping his arms and glare looking over at Aura.

Jocelyn frowned under her mask seeing his stiffness and bland tone, stopping suddenly in her tracks confused a few feet in front of him. "Are you okay, Spidey?" Aura asked worriedly. "You seem upset." She commented taking a cautious step towards him knowing something was wrong.

Listening to Aura's worried tone comforted Peter. Her voice was like a siren that was able to calm him down by just speaking. He took a deep breath to compose himself and nodded hesitantly. 

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