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Jocelyn landed on a skyscraper rooftop and seconds later, Lucas landed beside her. Both teens were dressed in their superhero suits hiding their identity from the world. Jocelyn jogged to the edge of the building, looking down to the crime scene below.

The mechanical rhinoceros was in the middle of the road and at the other end of the road was police cars, blocking him in. The rhinoceros-man began firing at police cars and buildings as pedestrians ran in terror. Jocelyn saw flashing lights approaching from the other direction and mumbled under her breath, as the police began firing at the metal rhinoceros. The rhinoceros by firing right back, not taking any damage.

"What's the plan?" Lucas asked stepping beside Jocelyn.

"I need you to stop those police cars. They're going to try and corner him, and that's only going to cause casualties." Jocelyn explained. "I'm going to go down there and stop him." She said moving closer to the edge, watching the firing seize.

"That's dangerous, A." Lucas stated concerned, grabbing her arm to stop her from jumping.

Jocelyn nodded and turned to face him. "I know. But I can handle myself." She smiled under the mask, although he couldn't see it.

"Just take care of yourself." He asked.

"I always do." She said before removing her arm from Lucas' grasp and jumping off the edge.

Jocelyn narrowed her gaze, seeing the mechanical rhinoceros stop in his tracks as she flew down to the ground. Standing in front of the police cars and tape were two children. One was dressed in a Spiderman costume and the other wore an identical costume to hers.

She landed on a smaller building rooftop, jumping from rooftop to rooftop swearing under her breath. These kids were putting their lives on the line and although it was adorable and brave, Jocelyn had to intervene before anyone got harmed or killed.

The two kids took a fighting stance and the rhinoceros machine began approaching towards them.

Jocelyn jumped off the building and landed in the center of the road, right behind the miniature version of herself. The rhinoceros-man stopped in his tracks when seeing the teenage hero, annoyed of her presence. 

The hero heard a thump beside her and glanced over, seeing Spiderman making an appearance beside her and behind the small boy dressed up as him. He gave Aura a nod and looked back ahead at the mechanical rhino. 

"Hey Spiderman, Aura." Spiderman muttered softly to the kids in front of them.

The two kids turned around and gaped in awe at the two heroes in front of them. They lifted their masks revealing a small boy with glasses and a small girl with braces, both smiling excitedly.

"We knew you both would come." The little boy said. The little girl nodded in agreement.

The two heroes knelt to the kids level and looked at them. "Yeah, thanks for stepping up for us." Jocelyn stated softly looking from the criminal to the two kids.

"You two are the bravest kids we have ever met." Spiderman added with a small chuckle. "We will take care of this, why don't you go take care of your mom?" Spiderman told the boy.

Aura nodded. "And you should go look after your brother." She instructed the girl.

The two kids nodded, the boy pounding his knuckle with Spiderman and the girl high-fiving Aura. They ran off back to the crowd behind them, earning a cheer from the crowd for saving the kids. Spiderman rose to his feet and extended a hand out for Aura. She took it and was helped up to her feet, looking at the rhinoceros man awaiting for them to make a move.

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