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Jocelyn stared down at her phone that was hidden inside her textbook making it appear she was reading it. She was leaning back in her desk chair in the back of the chemistry class while the teacher was playing a video on atomic bonding, to absorbed in the video to notice Jocelyn on her phone.

basic-ey stacy
Hey sorry babes, I wont be in chem today
im super sick and "resting "
resting is aka watching netflix and eating ice cream lol
can you grab my hw and send it to me? :)

Jocelyn sighed at the explanation of Gwen's absence in class. She was about to text back when she received another text.

harry without the styles
yoooo, i wont be in gym today
my dad has me joining boring ass meetings fml
anyway ill cya tomorrow

Jocelyn narrowed her eyes and grinned realizing the two were probably skipping school together. She was disappointed that three out of four of her friends were going to be absent today. But she would be just fine with just Mary Jane.

"Alright students," The teacher's comment brought Jocelyn's attention ahead. She sat up straighter in her chair and closed her textbook to hide her phone, deciding that she would text her friends back after class. "Chemical bonding is essential for anything chemistry related to work." Ms. Reynolds explained pausing the video and turning the lights back on. "Which is why it is crucial to understand. I will be passing out worksheets that are due at the end of class to test your knowledge." A few kids groaned as Ms. Reynolds began passing around papers. "And feel free to work in partners if you must." 

Jocelyn just slid her textbook aside on her table and smiled when Ms. Reynolds placed a paper on her desk. She was insanely brilliant at chemistry and wasn't worried about not being able to finish it before lunch. Jocelyn grabbed her pencil beside her textbook and began flicking through questions.

"Do you, uh, want to be partners...?" A familiar nervous voice spoke up beside her.

Jocelyn glanced up seeing Peter standing beside her desk, clutching onto his paper tightly and looking nervous. Usually, Jocelyn would decline the offer and explain she wants to work alone. But she had never been asked by Peter to work together.

So, Jocelyn smiled and moved her stuff closer to clear up the space beside her for Peter to set his things. Peter smiled and moved past Jocelyn, setting his stuff down and sitting in Gwen's usual seat.

"Do you want to split the work?" He asked glancing over at her. "You can do the first five questions and I can do the last five." He offered.

Jocelyn nodded at the offer and smiled warmly. Peter smiled in relief when Jocelyn turned to do her share of the questions. Neither of them have spoken when they were each doing their questions. Jocelyn finished the first question in less then half a minute when Peter finally spoke up.

"So, where's Gwen and Lucas?" Peter asked glancing over at her, trying to make conversation.

Jocelyn shot him a confused look at his sudden curiosity before resuming her focus on her page to begin the next equation. 

"Gwen's sick and Lucas has an appointment today." Jocelyn explained finishing her question by circling the answer from her work.

Peter just nodded and finished his question, moving onto the next.  "You excited to the trip to MoMA next week?" Peter asked quickly glancing over at Jocelyn. 

Jocelyn smiled excitedly and nodded, doing the mental math in her mind of the question on her page. "I'm so excited! I'm most excited to see-"

"The Starry Night?" Peter finished her sentence.

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