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Aura groaned in pain when thrown back and onto the ground from the slap delivered across her face by the pissed off alien. She landed on the ground hardly and pushed herself up by her hands, hearing the alien's footsteps approach her.

She had continued to try and free the wizard from the alien's hold, ignoring the alien's warnings. Which resulted in making the alien angry and getting a hard slap across the face.

"Daughter of the Space Stone, I warn you for a final time." The alien hissed out approaching her. "You shall not intrude with my work or else punishments will be undeniable." He explained while the wizard shouted in pain behind him.

Aura groaned getting to her feet, ignoring the stinging pain on her right cheek.

"Yeah, well, I don't always listen to my dad so I don't plan on listening to you either..." She admitted standing up in front of the alien confidently.

The alien narrowed his eye angrily, striking his hand out to wrap around Aura's neck. She gasped and struggled to breathe when he lifted her off the ground, making her feet dangle and weakly kick to try and attempt free herself. 

The alien's gaze narrowed in anger. "I am not your enemy, rather than these humans you are trying to protect should be the one's you should be cautious about." The alien warned. "Stop trying to defend them when you mean nothing-"

A loud metal thud was heard behind Aura. The alien glanced around her, seeing a golden and metal suit facing him with his hands up. The sound of the lasers charging behind Aura hinted that Iron Man was standing there causing her to suddenly feel safe.

"I could end your friends life in an instant." The alien threatened, tightening his grip around Aura's neck. Aura struggled in his grasp to breathe and the wizard yelled in pain from the needles going further inside of him.

"I gotta tell you, the wizard is not really my friend. Saving his life is more of a professional courtesy." Iron Man explained. "The girl however, I'd drop l before I shoot your slimy looking forehead into pieces." He warned.

The alien smirked and tossed Aura aside like a rag-doll. She gasped for air and breathed deeply, looking behind her to see Iron Man and the alien standing across form one another.

"No harm will come to the girl, human." The alien said placing his hands behind his back, not feeling threatened. "Only if I am given the Mind Stone." He explained.

"T-that's never going to happen..." The wizard groaned stubbornly.

"Then you saved nothing." The alien stated looking at Iron Man amused. "Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine."

Jocelyn weakly pushed herself up by her hands a few feet away from the wizard. Her heart was racing, her throat was sore, and her breathes were deep. She wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball but she had to keep fighting. She glanced at the alien and Tony, realizing they were both distracted. She pushed herself up further and turned to the wizard, using her powers to try and free him. 

The wizard watched her as she grunted quietly, trying to use her strength to free him. Slowly, the needles began to be withdrawn from the wizard. His eyes widened, watching the hero's hand shake but slowly begin to successfully free him.

"Yeah, but the kid's seen more movies." Mr. Stark statement drawn Aura's attention to him.

Aura's head snapped to Tony, just in time to see him turn his hand and blast a beam to hit the side of the spaceship. A hole emerged and began sucking everything inside the spaceship out like a vacuum. A small gasp escaped her lips as she began to fly through the air towards the opening.

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