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The planet Titan fell into an eerie silence. Doctor Strange was sitting on ruined steps, awaiting for Thanos to make an appearance. Everyone else was hidden according to their plan, waiting for Doctor Strange to say the words and spring their plan into action.

Aura was knelt down and felt her heart beating in her chest. Her breathing was heavy, from her nerves finally beginning to kick in. Her white and black mask covered her face, hiding the worried expression. But her stiff posture exposed her anxiety profusely. 

Thunder struck in the distance, making Aura shut her eyes to compose herself. She had to focus on the mission and not let fear overrule her decisions. She had to do this to save all creation.

"Oh, yeah. You're much more of a Thanos." Doctor Strange's voice spoke up.

Aura sneakily poked her head over the piece of rubble, seeing a giant purple alien standing across from Doctor Strange. Mr. Strange was sitting on the steps of an abandon building, looking at the alien wary.

"I take it the Maw is dead." Thanos asked glancing around of his surroundings. Aura dropped back down, hiding herself before Thanos had a chance to see her. "This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission." Thanos exclaimed, implying of the Infinity Stone around Doctor Strange's neck.

Hidden behind the rubble, Aura heard Thanos' heavy steps move away from her and closer towards Doctor Strange.

"You may regret that." Doctor Strange stated. "He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts." 

Aura wanted to roll her eyes on how cocky Doctor Strange was being. But decided to keep her thoughts to herself.

"And where do you think he brought you?" Thanos asked back.

Doctor Strange paused for a moment to think of an answer. He glanced around and nodded. "Let me guess. Your home?" 

Thanos hesitated, staring down at a piece of rubble. "It was." He said sadder. He raised his gauntlet and clutched his fist, causing the reality stone to be activated and spurge energy around them. The once deserted and isolated planet became filled with life and energy.

Aura sat on her knees, watching how the world around her changed it's appearance. She saw aliens, alike Thanos, laughing and talking with one another. Everyone looked happy and joyful. It pain went through Aura's heart when she saw two younger aliens laugh and run around. Reminding her instantly of Ellie and a reason to keep fighting.

"It was beautiful." Thanos explained. "Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution."

"Genocide." Doctor Strange corrected.

"But random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike." Thanos added in defence. "They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass." The illusion faded to reveal the deserted and isolated planet once again.

"Congratulations, you're a prophet." Doctor Strange stated sarcastically.

"I'm a survivor."

"Who wants to murder trillions." Doctor Strange frowned, raising to his feet.

"With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist. I call that mercy." Thanos explained.

"And then what?" Doctor Strange asked cautiously approaching Thanos.

"I would finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe." Thanos smiled faintly at the thought. "The hardest choices require the strongest wills."

"I think you will find our will equal to yours." Doctor Strange, hitting his wrists together to reveal orange defensive magic. Two orange shields appeared in either hand as a warning to Thanos.

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