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Jocelyn took a heavy breath and shifted on the soft couch nervously. Her stare was on her hands resting on the silk pillow sitting on her lap, fiddling her thumbs as an anxious habit. Like every Friday morning, she was trapped in an appointment with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s therapist. Dave took the initiative to reach out to Tony Stark about his concerns with Jocelyn's mental health after everything that occurred after homecoming. Tony Stark, who feels protective over Jocelyn after the explosion and sees her like his own daughter, immediately got concerned. The two men started discussing ways to help her and resulted with the decision for Jocelyn to resume therapy. The same therapist she had many years ago after her mom's death. 

Jocelyn's hair was braided and twisted back into a bun flawlessly. She wore a grey flared skirt that reached just above her knees and a blush pink long sleeve shirt tucked in. On her feet were white sneakers for comfort to match the cute and simple look. Her anxious expression differed from her flawless appearance. Her thoughts were stuck on rethinking the same repetitive question that her therapist was waiting for an answer.

And how does that make you feel?

How does that make her feel? How would crying herself to sleep at night and dreading waking up each day make her feel?

"I feel lonely..." Jocelyn mumbled sadly. "It's silly. I have four amazing friends, a dad who loves me, and a sister who stuck to my hip. I don't know why I feel lonely when my life is surrounded by people." Jocelyn looked up with a frown.

Dr. Christina Raynor sat in the chair across the room from the couch with a notebook in her lap. Her age brought wrinkles on her cheeks and forehead, making her brown eyes appear softer. Her brown hair was tied back in a low bun that was loose and barely held up. She wore black trousers and a white blouse to represent her professionally. The woman appeared intimidating but she had a kind smile to vanish any despair that may be thought.

"It is possible to feel lonely when you aren't alone." Dr Raynor explained kindly. Jocelyn's lips curled to a frown and her eyes scrunched together confused. "Think of it this way," Dr. Raynor spoke up noticing Jocelyn's confusion. "Penguins travel in herds which can consist of dozens to thousands penguins. They all constantly move together and create a bond. But, when a penguin finds their mate, they are attached to another side until death."

"I'm not following."

Dr. Raynor smiled warmly. "You, Jocelyn, are in your herd of penguins. Surrounded by dozens or hundreds of others but you are still mindlessly searching for someone." Jocelyn nodded slowly, understanding the relation. "What about Lucas? You two seem close from what you have told me." Dr. Raynor asked.

Jocelyn shook her head. "He is just a friend." She explained, though she was partially lying.

Dr. Raynor clicked her pen and scribbled something down on her notebook. "Have you told him about everything?" She asked referring to Jocelyn's mental and emotional state.

Jocelyn shook her head in denial.

Dr. Raynor frowned and made another note on her notebook. "I want to try something." She said setting her pen down on her note book and looked up at Jocelyn. "I want you to close your eyes and clear your mind." Dr. Raynor instructed in a calmly matter. Jocelyn took a deep breath and closed her eyes hesitantly. "Sink into the couch and let all your worries wash away."

Jocelyn did just that. She leaned back into the couch and took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves down.

"Now picture yourself in your safe place. Whether that is at a beach, in your bedroom, or maybe cuddled up with a good book." Dr. Raynor stated softly. Jocelyn's mind brought her to the one place she felt truly safe. The apartment building rooftop on 5th Avenue. "Now in this safe place, there is someone standing, or sitting, in front of you. This person would never judge you and is someone you feel safe around. Now, imagine yourself telling this person everything you have ever kept inside-"

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