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MAYBE IT WAS BECAUSE OF the weather that day, or maybe because it was my first day as a college student, but I clearly remember how I was sweating all over, my chest tight as if I was minutes away from fainting

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MAYBE IT WAS BECAUSE OF the weather that day, or maybe because it was my first day as a college student, but I clearly remember how I was sweating all over, my chest tight as if I was minutes away from fainting.

I had just graduated from senior high school a couple of months ago. They say you experience a lot during those years, but unfortunately for me, I wasn't able to experience anything dramatic. I didn't have a group of friends I could hang out with, just people I casually talked to. No one approached me since my classmates thought I was too quiet, probably too quiet for my own good.

Long story short, I was the odd one out.

I was socially awkward, and I didn't have the courage to go up to people and say hi. I didn't have any interest that aligned with theirs, either. Honestly, extroverted people scared me. I get intimidated easily, and I tend to run away from them since I don't like unnecessary attention. I was just your typical average Joe.

Well, until I met Blaine de la Cruz, a charming extroverted senior who approached every single freshman who he thought needed his help.

I met him during our freshmen orientation by complete chance. I arrived at the campus a bit late because I had a hard time catching the bus, so I arrived at the auditorium a couple of minutes later than the rest.

Everyone was already inside the auditorium, and the program had already started. I was contemplating whether or not I should still go in or just go to the cafeteria and waste my time there. I didn't have any friends inside anyway, so no one would be looking for me. That was supposed to be the plan but...

"Hey! You!" Someone suddenly shouted, automatically making me stop walking out of the building.

I looked back and saw this tall man approaching me with a wide and excited smile. He scurried his way towards me, unconsciously making me grab hold of the straps of my backpack so my hands wouldn't just awkwardly swing around. When he stopped in front of me, he pointed at my chest and asked, "Freshman?"

I looked around and noticed that he was actually with three other people. Judging by the way they acted, they're probably all seniors.

"Yes," I finally answered, and the man smiled and grabbed a red ribbon from one of his friends. Without any warning, he moved closer to me and tied the ribbon around my head, making me realize that they were all wearing a ribbon too, but it was blue.

"Alright, you can go inside now," he told me.

"Uhm...I don't have friends inside," I replied, which I instantly regretted because there was no reason for me to tell him that. But surprisingly enough, he patted my back to encourage me. "Well, that's the reason why you're here, right? To make new friends," he said with a warm smile, and that warm smile instantly reassured me.

Despite my doubts, I went to the orientation. Looking back, it was one of the best decisions I've made because I did meet my friends there, Jesse and Mark. They were like me, socially awkward but had a sense of humor. We instantly clicked the moment we got together.

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