𝟏𝟔 🌶️🌶️🌶️

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They stood in front of a metal door, a security camera looking down at them. The door buzzed open, revealing a large man.

He gave Han a nod, only to look at Frankie with suspicion.

"She's cool, man. Trust me."

He let them in after Han assured the man that Frankie was nothing to be suspicious of. Out of instinct, Frankie grabbed Han's hand as they walked down a hallway lit up with red light LED lights. They could hear the thumping of music with too much bass.

This was the first time that Frankie had been to a club.

When they reached the end of the hallway, they were met with another door that Han knocked on. It opened, revealing the large venue filled with people. Lights, smoke machine, dance floor, DJ booth, multiple bars, women dancing in cages, and everything else needed to make a sleazy establishment.

But this one wasn't bad, Frankie thought it had a little bit of class to it.

Frankie had to scream in Han's ear, "You brought me to a club?"

Her eyes wandered around, noticing that this club was predominately filled with Asian people, a few other races here and there.

He smirked, "You never been?"

"No," she shook her head, feeling stupid at this moment.

"Well, you want a drink?"

She shook her head, "I have to pee first."

"You'll be okay going by yourself?"

He smirked, and she playfully waved him off.

She'd be fine.

He chuckled, watching her push through the crowds of people without a care. It took her a while to find the toilet, which was surprisingly clean.

It was like the futuristic eighties threw up in this bathroom. All these neon lights were making her sick.

She did her business before washing her hands and drying them. Frankie fixed herself up a little, exiting the bathroom.

Her eyes scanned every inch of the club for Han, only to see something that she didn't expect to see from him.

He was talking to some guy, only to exchange something with him in the form of a handshake.

Frankie watched from where she stood for a good three minutes, and within those three minutes, she saw a Han exchange small dime bags filled with cocaine for cash.

Men and women were all over him, wanting what he had and willing to pay top dollar for it.

Frankie was so confused.

She didn't know what to do.

That's what they came here for.

Han didn't bring her here to go clubbing but to sell drugs.

It was his business.

Frankie stood near the bar, continuing to watch him be unfazed that she had yet to return from the bathroom.

A woman came up to him, wrapping her arm around his neck before pressing her lips against his cheek.

That didn't faze him either before they exchanged a few words and drugs for money. The woman slipped him something else that looked like a note, Frankie couldn't be sure. She was sitting too far away to see what it exactly was.

She didn't feel stupid.

She didn't feel used by him.

She didn't feel anything about what he was doing, she just wished that he would've told her about this instead of hiding it.

𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐒 | HAN LUEWhere stories live. Discover now