Chapter 63: Jiaying's Endgame

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Once I returned to base with my bags and Ahsoka and Jayce, I was greeted by Coulson, who was relieved to see me. He rushed towards me, wrapping me into a tight hug. As soon as we pulled away, I saw a smile on Coulson's face.

"It's good to see you." He said.

"It's good to be back." I mentioned.

"Let me take you to the others." Coulson offered.

Coulson led me into the lab, where Godric, Ana, Jemma, Leo, and surprisingly Cal, Skye's father were. Cal was sitting on a chair with IVs strapped to him, while a few agents stood around him, holding their rifles. Well, this is a surprise. Godric and Ana quickly approached me both happy to see me.

"Vega!" They exclaimed.

They gave me a hug. Once they pulled away from me, Jemma and Leo ran towards me, also glad to see me.

"Vega." They both said.

"Hey guys, it's good to see all of you." I mentioned.

"Where's Viktor?" Godric asked.

My heart clenched as I remembered what happened. It all happened so fast. I felt terrible and guilty for leaving them behind, but it was necessary. I'll make sure we get them back.

"Viktor and Skye realized what Jiaying was doing, and they were knocked unconscious, taken as captives to wherever they went." I explained.

"And my Daisy? Is she okay?" Cal inquired, looking worried.

I grimaced. "I'm sorry. I don't know exactly what happened after that, but I know they're still alive."

"How do you know?" Cal questioned.

"I just know." I mentioned.

"We have to stop them." Godric advised.

"Of course." Coulson confirmed.

"Well, his physical changes have improved." Jemma mentioned, returning to the matter at hand.

"Careful. I'm a married man." Cal teased before glancing over at Coulson. "Sorry, Phil. This looks expensive."

"We have a tab running." Coulson mentioned, earning an amused smile from Cal.

"Sir, the carrier's distress call, it's expanded to all channels." Leo informed us.

He then pointed to one of the screen monitors, showing us the distress call coming from the ship. I grimaced, noticing how it expanded to all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s assets. This wasn't good at all. If they all headed towards the ship, Jiaying will wipe them out and there goes S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Jiaying used Cal's distraction to take over that ship in minutes." Coulson stated.

"Yeah. It's intimidating." Leo mentioned.

"You get May and Hunter on the line? We'll need every asset we've got to shut these Inhumans down." Coulson said.

"I tried, sir. Uh, their team's already gone dark." Leo informed him.

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