Chapter 19: The Berserker Staff

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After Godric left, I stayed behind to talk to Coulson some more. I wasn't just satisfied with making sure Eliana, Viktor Jr. Heimerdinger, and Viktor were all right, I also wanted to Viktor to find a job that he'd love as a scientist and inventor, hoping it would ease Viktor's homesickness. I knew he wouldn't want to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. as he was not a soldier and I knew unlike Jemma and Leo, he would not want anything to do with being in the field. I knew he was capable of fighting and fending himself, but that's not what Viktor wanted, he wished to help people, improving lives. Fortunately, Coulson talked about having some connections, which he'd talk to. And that's when I remembered about Viktor's illness, which Mobius mentioned. With that in mind, I spoke up. "I also need to get Viktor to a doctor or healer."

Coulson raised an eyebrow. "What for?"

"There's a possibility Viktor's sick and I wish for him to get checked, so it'll put my worries to rest." I explained.

"Then, I'll find the best place and doctor for him." Coulson assured me.

My shoulders slumped in relief. "Thank you, sir."

Coulson waved it off. "It's not a problem. I understand wanting to help those you love."

Those you love...I knew we were pretending, but when it came to Viktor I was no longer pretending...I truly love and care for him. Once everyone was back on the ship, which they called the Bus, I sat on a couch across from Viktor. Meanwhile, who knows where the Poro, Godric, and the kids were.

"I spoke to Coulson, he's gonna help us all out. He's going to find a place for us, a job for you, Viktor." I explained. "And he's also going to check one of the best hospitals and doctors--" 

"To the hospital? What for?" Viktor asked, rather baffled.

"I didn't forget what Mobius told you, Viktor. I want to get you the help you need that you deserve." I explained.

I watched as Viktor's face fell. He hesitated, looking anywhere but at me. "I'm quite all right, Vega."

My heart clenched. Why was denying help when he needed it? I dared to gently lay a hand over one of his hands, causing his golden eyes to snap up towards me. I cracked a smile. "I just want the best for you. You deserve to live a longer life than the TVA has declared. I don't want you to suffer like you said you did in your file. Please Viktor, if you won't do it for yourself, then do it for me, for your younger self."

Viktor let out a sigh. "I suppose I said I didn't wish to follow the same path I took in the file, which means I must do something that will break the flow of order in my file. Very well, I'll do it."

My eyes lit up at once. I wrapped my arms around him. "Oh, thank you!"

Immediately, I felt Viktor tense up. Realizing that I was hugging him, I immediately pulled away from the embrace, giving him a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I got excited."

Viktor cracked a smile. "It's all right. Excited?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, I mean, we're going to get you the help you need before you fall ill, and we'll show the TVA how wrong they're about you."

"About us." Viktor corrected.

As Viktor's smile widened so did mine. I nodded. "Right, about us."


It wasn't long until Coulson managed to set us up in an apartment in a city called New York City. Coulson gave me some time off to settle in and allowed Godric to come and help me. Viktor looked around in awe as we walked into the apartment that Coulson had for us. The apartment had three bedrooms, an office, a kitchen, two bathrooms, a living room, and a dining room. There were already furniture set up, curtsey of S.H.I.E.L.D. It's not the Jedi Temple, but this isn't bad. We brought some boxes with us. I went to the marketplace store, which was quite an experience. I always ate food from the refectories or ration packs, especially when we were out on missions or during the battles. So to shop for my own food, was, well strange. Fortunately, I had the help of Coulson's team. 

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