Chapter 30: Project Insight

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I felt the cold charge of cold wind soaring through me as my adrenaline rose, feeling a rush of excitement. It was like I was back in my home galaxy going on a mission or battle. I missed this sensation, feeling like I was flying like a starfighter. I glanced around, taking in the night sky as I smiled. Once I got closer to the ship, I extended out my hands, using the Force to soften my blow. Once I hit the ship, I cautiously crept through the cargo before attacking, knocking out the pirates. As I made my way onto the deck, I saw a pirate trying to sneak up on Rumlow and Steve from behind. I quickly took out my ICER gun, piercing his neck, knocking him to the ground.

"You're welcome." I quipped.

"Thanks." Steve said, looking grateful.

Rumlow shrugged. "Not bad."

At that moment, Natasha and the other agents reached us, landing on the deck as they dropped their parachutes. As Natasha reached us, she wore an amused look. "Guess you didn't need one after all."

She then turned to face Steve. "What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice."

"Secure the engine room, then find me a date." Steve advised.

"I'm multitasking." Natasha retorted.

She then glanced over at me, giving me a nod. With that, we hopped down to the lower deck, hastily making our way down to where the engines were, where a man was on the phone. He gave a nod. "Okay."

He then turned around to see Natasha and me. Natasha wore a smile. "Hey, sailor."

He looked taken back to see us. Before he could react, Natasha swung her leg, knocking him to the ground before glancing over at me. "Race you to the bottom."

I grinned. "You're on."

She then took out a grappling hook, wrapping one the ends of her grappling hook, jumping off the ledge, down the middle of the winder stairs, firing her pistols at the pirates. I quickly hopped down beside her, using the Force to soften my blow as I hit the ground. Natasha hit the floor not long after me.

"Using your powers, so not fair." Natasha teased.

I shrugged. "You never said I couldn't."

"Fair point. Next time, I'll be sure to be more specific." She quipped. She then turned her head down the hallway not far from us. "We're far from done."

At that moment, I sensed about three men in this hallway alone through the Force. There might be more here, but so far I only saw three. With that in mind, I glanced back at Natasha. "There's about three men in this hallway of the engine room."

"Let's give them a S.H.I.E.L.D. welcome then." Natasha suggested.

With that, Natasha and I both ran down the hallway, rushing towards the three men. We then heard a S.T.R.I.K.E. agent from our comms. "Targets acquired."

Not long after, Rumlow's voice came in. "STRIKE in position."

"Natasha, Vega, what's your status?" Steve asked, through our comms.

Natasha took on the first pirate as I dealt with the second pirate, swinging my right mechno-hand, knocking him back onto the ground. Steve's voice rang out again through our comms. "Status, Natasha? Vega?"

"Hold on!" I exclaimed.

I reached the third pirate, who raised his arm. I quickly lifted my left arm, blocking his attack. He tried again, but failed. This time, I grabbed his arm, bending it back before throwing him towards the wall, where a huge pipe lied, knocking him unconscious.

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