Chapter 29: Making The Hard Call

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Ana and I made our way to her old home, which was an apartment in Brooklyn. As soon as we made our way up, she knocked on the door. After a few moments, the door opened, revealing Ana's father, Gilberto. His eyes widened upon seeing Ana.  

"Ana..." He croaked out as tears filled his eyes.

Ana nodded. Immediately, Gilberto lunged towards his daughter, wrapping his arms around her. I watched with a smile on my face. Once they pulled away, both of them had tears streaming down their faces. My heart clenched. I wish I could've seen my father and mother one last time...

"I can explain everything, but not here." Ana explained.

Gilberto nodded. He then noticed me. "Who's this?"

"Papá, it's all right. She's a friend." Ana assured him.

"Mr. Corazon, we need to get you out of here. It's not safe for you to be here." I warned.

Gilberto glanced over at Ana, who gave him a nod. He then ran inside the apartment with Ana and me following him inside. Gilberto quickly grabbed a bag, stuffing his laptop, papers, and clothing. I glanced around the place, which looked simple yet cozy. Along a wall by the television, there were several framed pictures of Ana, Gilberto, and Ana's mother.

"Papá, we have to go now." Ana urged.

Gilberto nodded. But then his eyes widened. "Oh, I forgot something. It's in my room."

I had a terrible sensation, like Roberts was already here. And if that's the case, then one of us should remain with Gilberto. With that in mind, I offered. "Let me get it. What are you looking for?"

"It's an emerald belonged to my wife. The necklace should be on the top drawer." Gilberto informed me.

I nodded, rushing off to Gilberto's room. I opened the top drawer, rummaged through to find the necklace. Fortunately, I was able to find the necklace, safely putting it in my pocket. All of the sudden, the window in the room was destroyed. Glass flew everywhere, a piece managed to pierce my cheek. I winced, feeling the blood trickle down my face. I spun around to see Roberts, standing where the window used to be. A wicked smile appeared on his face.

"Ah, it's the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent from Stockholm." He said, remembering me. "Where's Corazon?"

"Which one are you referring to?" I taunted.

"Find this amusing, don't you? If I remember correctly, you were devastated when I shot your precious boyfriend." Roberts mocked.

My blood ran blood at his words. And that's when I quickly put two and two together as I responded. "Ana didn't fire those slugs. You did."

Roberts let out a dark chuckle as he slowly approached me. "That's right, sweetie, that was all me. Ana's finger was nowhere near the trigger. She was trying to raise the pistol up in the air, but I was quicker."

Immediately, I felt rage surge through me. All this time it wasn't Ana, but was all him, and I took it all out on Ana. Now Roberts was here, confessed it was him. I clenched my fists, trying my best to calm myself down.

"Now where are the Corazons?" Roberts insisted. "The Clairvoyant wants Ana back."

"You son of a bitch!" I spat.

Without thinking twice, I lunged towards him. Roberts raised an arm, blocking my attack. I didn't give up though. I swung both of my arms at him, Roberts caught my left fist with one of his hands, crushing it. I let out a cry, feeling immense pain. But I pushed past the pain as I swung my right hand, hitting his jaw. He let out a groan, stumbling back. However, he quickly recovered, running towards me. He raised an arm, but I quickly dodged the attack before retaliating, hitting his side. Roberts let out a growl. All it took was one wrong move, which caused him to grab me by my neck, lifting me up in the air. 

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