Chapter 45: Cover's Blown

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As days turned into weeks, and I quickly gained Bakshi's trust. I became an Hydra agent, working as a scientist and an operative, providing them with connections or anything else they needed. And sure enough, I quickly rose above the ranks, finally meeting Whitehall. Because I had to be careful with my identity, Viktor would send me letters, both written and typed from his typewriter that he loved to use. It was the only way we could keep in contact. Currently, I was headed into Whitehall's office to finally meet him, finding a man with white short hair, round glasses, and a well-dressed suit, sitting in a chair behind a desk. No doubt this is Whitehall. Bakshi was nowhere in sight, which was strange. Usually, wherever Whitehall was, Bakshi would be there not too far behind...or so I've heard. As I approached the desk, a smile appeared on his face. "So you are Ahsoka Naberrie."

"I am, sir. And you must be Whitehall." I replied, earning a nod from him. "It's an honor to officially meet you, sir."

"The feeling is mutual. I've heard lots from you. You're quite the fighter, you are gifted with science, and a socialite with endless connections. You are too good to be true." Whitehall mentioned.

I cracked a smile. "I assure you I am the real deal. I strive towards perfection, I always have since I was a child."

"Let's hope for your sake that is true. I don't take kindly to failure or imposters." Whitehall warned, making me gulp. "Now, you must be wondering why I called you in. Well, I'd like for you to become my second in command."

"What about Bakshi?" I questioned.

"He is my right hand, yes, but you are my left hand." Whitehall explained. "My executioner. Consider this a test. If you succeed, you will gave gained my trust, and you shall keep this position."

I could feel my palms sweating. I took in a deep breath, reaching out to the Force to calm myself down. I then replied. "I shall do everything to not fail you, sir. Now what is it you wish for me to do first?"

A wicked smile appeared on Whitehall's face. "I thought you'd never ask. There is a scientist, we've reached out to who needs protection on his arrival here. You are to retrieve him, and make sure S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't intervene."

"They won't." I assured him.

With that, I left, following Whitehall's orders. On the way to the headquarters, S.H.I.E.L.D. intervened. We were in an SUV, when a SUV of S.H.I.E.L.D. appeared along with a motorcycle, which May was driving. Damn it...I offered to switch seats, so I could drive, while the other agents I took with me, could focus on dealing with S.H.I.E.L.D. I couldn't bare the thought of firing at them, even if I am undercover.

I swerved the car, making our way onto upcoming traffic, zooming and dodging past the cars, avoiding any crashes. I then spun the car around, making my way into a narrow alley, which was big enough for the car to fit through. I knew there was an abandoned facility not far from us throughout a zig-zag maze of alleys. I quickly reached the facility, managing to lose S.H.I.E.L.D., which was a relief. When I returned to Hydra headquarters, Whitehall was most impressed, allowing me to keep my position to my relief. After a long day, I made my way to the temporary home, where I stayed, while I was undercover at Hydra.

The house wasn't much, containing a room, a guest room, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. The moment I walked in, I heard a noise in the kitchen, sounding like a clattering of pots and pans. I quickly yet slowly took out a pistol from my back, where I had it tucked and hidden away. I cautiously crept into the kitchen, prepared to fire, when I saw who it was. Coulson stood in my kitchen, dropping a pan onto the ground. I then noticed bags of groceries on the table. I lowered my pistol at once.

"Coulson?" I questioned, rather baffled. "I thought you weren't coming in for another week."

"I decided to come early. I brought some groceries." Coulson mentioned. "Wanted to make sure you were eating properly. Viktor gave me a list of what you buy, and he even made some of the dishes you like to eat."

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