Chapter 31: Fury's Dead

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With that we made our way to the school, while Blitzcrank remained behind with Heimerdinger. Viktor and I walked side by with our arms linked together, while his other arm was around his cane. I followed Viktor through the streets, taking in the scenery. I had never gone to pick up the kids from school, so I knew this would be a surprise for both of them. As soon as we reached the school, I glanced over to see Viktor's golden eyes were on me with a warm smile on his face. My heart fluttered upon seeing his face.

"See something you like?" I teased.

Viktor's cheeks turned bright pink. But wore a sheepish smile as he answered. "Can't I admire your beauty?"

Now it was my turn to blush, causing Viktor's smile to widen. I let out a giddy laugh. "Oh, stop it."

At that moment, we heard two familiar voices exclaim. "Mom! Dad!"

I saw how Eliana's and Viktor Jr.'s faces lit up at once. Eliana began to run towards us, but then remembered Viktor Jr., and she ran back, walking at his pace. Once they reached us, Eliana and Viktor Jr. both gave us hugs.

"You're both here." Viktor Jr. pointed out with a huge grin on his face.

"You don't have a mission?" Eliana inquired.

"No, I'm off as of now." I mentioned. "Which means I have the rest of the day to do whatever you both want to do."

Both Eliana's and Viktor Jr.'s eyes lit up at once. Viktor then intervened. "But first, you two must finish your homework."

"Don't worry, we will finish it in no time." Eliana assured me.

"Make sure that it's done right though." I urged.

Both Viktor Jr. and Eliana nodded vigorously. With that, we all returned to the apartment, which we all called our home. I expected Viktor to return to his office, but instead he sat with Eliana and Viktor Jr. in the dining room, seeing them do their work, and offering to help them if they needed it. It was endearing seeing how Viktor interacted with them, even called them endearing names like his firelight with Eliana and with Viktor Jr. his little inventor. Viktor's a great man with a heart of gold, I'm so glad to have met him and to be able to call him mine. 


Later that afternoon, Viktor returned to finish his work, and the kids were off playing, while I finished up making the dinner. That's when I heard voices in the living room, but I swore that I heard Fury's voice. Could it be? Was he here? With that in mind, I made my way into the living room to see Eliana standing next to Eliana, who stared at him in awe. I was taken back. What's Fury doing here?

"So you aren't Master Windu?" Eliana asked.

Fury gave her a small smile, having patience with her, which was shocking. "No, I'm not."

"Are you related to him? Or by any chance do you know him?" Eliana continued on. 

Oh Eliana, let the poor man breath. As soon as I approached them, I blurted out. "Fury?"

"Vega. Can I talk to you, alone?" Fury inquired.

"Of course. Eliana, go to your room." I urged.

Eliana let out a groan. "But mom, do I have to?"

I then gave her a stern look, which was one Master Windu gave us whenever we did something we weren't supposed to, it was the look that he gave before every lecture of his. Eliana immediately recognized that expression. Her shoulders slumped, but nevertheless she listened to me, walking back to her room. I felt a pang of guilt. I knew there were times where I was too hard on Eliana, but she's just a kid. I didn't want her to grow up too fast, like I did. I then turned to face Fury. "Why don't we go into the kitchen?"

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