Chapter 52: Training

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The next day, we tried to ask Gordon to send a message, he said he'd ask for permission, but chances are he'd be denied as our best option was to stay quiet not wanting to bring attention upon ourselves. We learned from Lincoln that the ones in charge here were a group called the Elders. After Viktor and I showed Lincoln our abilities, he informed us that a guide would be chosen to help us control our gifts. It wasn't long until a guide chose us. Her name's Jiaying, and she offered to train us along with Skye, who wanted us to learn our abilities alongside each other. So the next morning, Jiaying took us outside of Afterlife near the mountains.  

"I wanna know where you're from. Did you make friends there?" Jiaying asked.

"At S.H.I.E.L.D. Yeah, they're like family. Or they were..." Skye trailed off.

"Until you three changed." Jiaying said, finishing her sentence. "They send agents after you?"

"I don't know what happened." Skye commented.

"It's all strange." I mentioned.

"I know I impaled a guy." Skye added as she grimaced.

"Who shot at you." Jiaying defended.

Skye shook her her head. "No. I lost control."

"Do you understand your gift?" Jiaying inquired.

"I...make things shake?" Skye questioned.

Jiaying let out a laugh. "Well, not really. Everything's shaking already, vibrating at its own natural frequency. This stone, the wood in the trees...I believe you can learn to sense those frequencies around you and resonate with them so that not everything is shaking, only what you choose.

"Sense a frequency." Skye added. She then furrowed her brows. "How do I do that?"

Jiaying chuckled. "I don't know. I'm not the one with the gift. I just work here."

"You think I can hear the stone?" Skye inquired.

Jiaying gave her a shrug as if to say why not. Skye took in a deep breath as she took the stone from Jiaying. As Skye held the stone, she closed her eyes. Skye let out a gasp as her eyes opened. "Whoa. You've got to be kidding me."

"Can you hear it?" Jiaying inquired.

"No, not the stone. The mountain. It's the loudest thing here." Skye corrected.

"Well, now take that frequency and see if you can amplify it." Jiaying offered.

Skye's face fell. "The last time I did something like this, a lot of people got hurt."

"You can't hurt the mountain, and you're not gonna hurt me. Don't be afraid." Jiaying urged.

Skye then lifted a hand towards the mountain, closing her eyes. We then watched as she was able to move a mountain, creating an avalanche. We stared in awe, wearing smiles. That's amazing.

"I moved a mountain." Skye said, letting out a laugh.

"Remember that feeling. It's not something to be afraid of." Jiaying advised.

Jiaying then turned towards me. "Now, what's your ability?"

"I...I can hear conversations from afar, and my body can change different colors." I mentioned.

"I think it's more than that. I spoke to Lincoln and I believe you can blend in with your surroundings." Jiaying commented.

"Like camouflage." I offered.

Jiaying nodded. "Exactly. Your body has been rearranged, so that each molecule in your body can change colors, mimic the environment."

"But why did my body can colors when I was emotional?" I questioned.

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