Chapter 4: Working With The TVA

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I skimmed through until Godric and I turned around to face Blade, who was pointing his blasters at us. Like before, I urged Godric to leave, but he refused to go anywhere. Finally, I extended out a hand out towards Godric. In a matter of seconds, with the Force, I threw Godric back towards the bushes. He looked horrified. Tears filled the hologram me's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Godric. But this is the only way. I love you, little brother." I admitted.

Godric immediately responded, his voice cracking. "You're like my older sister, Vega. One that I've always wanted."

I cracked a smile. "It's an honor to have met you. May the Force be with you, Godric."

The clones began to fire, shooting in my direction. I quickly swung my lightsabers, deflecting the blasts that came from all around me. I was able to fight off the blasts, but it didn't last long. More clone troopers surrounded me until I was left with no way out. One blast was all it took, hitting my side. I watched as I bent hover, but tried my best to continue fighting. More laserfire hit me in the chest, stomach, and legs until I collapsed onto the ground. The hologram me let out a cry of pain as I looked over at Godric, who shouted out. "Vega! No!"

Godric then stormed off as the clone troopers began to follow him into the forest. My eyes then fluttered closed. The hologram then faded, turning black. On the screen the letters: End of File appeared. 

I stared at the screen, baffled. I felt like I had been stabbed in the gut. Tears streamed down my cheeks. That's it? That's the end of my file? My kriffing life? I couldn't believe it...Viktor and Godric were right. I should've listened to them...

"Vega?" Godric's voice rang out.

I remained silent as I kept my eyes on the black screen. The Poro in my arms tried comforting me as he let out a whine. Viktor slowly approached me, pulling up a chair to sit next to me. He didn't say a word for a few moments. Then, he spoke. 

"I told you so." Viktor said.

"Jeez, 'cause that's what I need to here in this very moment." I retorted.

He gave me a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, I'm not quite good at this...comforting others. You know a good friend of mine once said that those who shine the brightest often burn the fastest."

I raised my head, finally looking at Viktor. He had a gentle look on his face. "I may not know you, Vega. But from what I can tell you're not a dangerous woman like Mobius claims you to be. You just want to make a difference."

I cracked a smile. "Thanks Viktor. All I want is to make the galaxy a better place, a safer place filled with peace."

Viktor's smile widened. "I understand, more than you know."

"Vega." Godric called, reminding us we weren't alone. "I wouldn't have left you behind...No matter how many times you begged or ordered. I would've fought to the end by your side."

I reluctantly tore my gaze from Viktor, making my way towards Godric. I placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know, but this isn't the end...We can go back and prevent this from happening. We can change the future."

At that moment, Mobius walked into the room. He looked around at us before speaking up. "Everything's under control. Found Loki in one of the other Time Theaters, he's decided to help."

"We'll we're out. We want to go back, back to our timelines." I argued.

"You can't go back. None of you can. But we can offer you something better." Mobius suggested.

I scoffed. "What's better than going back to our homes?"

"You want to return just so you can be killed by your own troopers?" Mobius inquired, pointing to the hologram on the wall.

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