Chapter 34: The Decision

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Before I could fall off the Helicarrier, I hastily took out one of my lightsabers, igniting the blade before piercing it on the side of the vehicle, keeping me from falling down towards the river. I held on for dear life, taking a deep breath. I'm okay, I'm all right. I then slowly climbed up onto the side of the Helicarrier. That's when I heard Sam's voice echo in my ear. "Cap? Vega? Vega, Cap, come in. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm here! I'm still on the Helicarrier." Steve assured him.

"So am I." I chimed in. "Where are you?"

"I'm grounded, the suit's down." Sam informed us. "Sorry, Cap, Vega."

"Don't worry, Vega and I got it." Steve mentioned.

"I'll meet you inside." I replied.

With that, I made my way inside the Helicarrier towards the control room. I met Steve on the catwalk. We saw the targeting system at the end of the catwalk. However, standing in front of the targeting system stood both Bucky and Faris. My heart dropped.

"People are gonna die, Buck. I...we can't let that happen." Steve mentioned.

Bucky stared at Steve, rather coldly. I glanced over at Faris, who had the same expression on his face. I took a step towards them, raising my hands. "Faris, I know you're still there, snap out of it."

"Please, don't make me do this." Steve urged.

"You both can walk away from this." I added.

However, neither one backed down. Steve and I exchanged a look, nodding. Steve then threw his shield, which Bucky deflected. As the shield came back to Steve, they lunged towards each other, while Faris rushed towards me. I refrained from using my lightsabers, not wanting to hurt Faris. We fought on, deflecting each other's attacks, equally matched. Faris quickly grew frustrated as he took out a dagger, swinging towards me. I raised an arm, hitting his arm that held the dagger.

One wrong move though was all it took, he managed to pierce my shoulder with the dagger. I let out a cry of agony, dropping the chip that was in my hand. Faris lunged towards the chip to grab it, but I hastily extended out a hand, using the Force. In a heartbeat, the chip was back in my hand. Faris let out a growl as he stormed towards me, grabbing me by the throat. I let out a gasp, struggling against him until he finally threw me down onto the glass floor beneath the targeting system. I hit the ground with a huge thud, dropping the chip beside me. I grimaced, feeling immense pain surge through me. Faris jumped off the railing, making his way towards the chip. I pushed past my pain, scrambling up onto my feet to get to that chip first. Faris got to it first, scooping it up just as I reached him. Immediately, I grabbed Faris by his arm, pulling it backwards until it reached his back. He let out a grunt.

"Drop it! Drop it now!" I commanded.

But he continued to hold chip, refusing to let go. I continued to bend it back until I heard a crack, causing Faris to scream out. He finally dropped the chip onto the ground. I pushed Faris to the ground, snatching the chip before running back towards the targeting system with Steve climbing up towards me. Hill's voice rang out through our comms. "One minute."

Steve extended a hand out towards the targeting system, when Bucky fired two shots, hitting Steve in the left thigh and right shoulder, but Steve fought on, climbing towards me. I extended out my hand.

"Steve!" I exclaimed.

He grabbed my hand, and with all my might, I pulled him up onto the ledge next to me. We then heard Hill's voice in our comms, warned us of our time. "Thirty seconds!"

"Stand by." I urged.

Together Steve and I grabbed the chip from inside the targeting system. But before Bucky fired his pistol, piercing my leg. I let out a cry of agony as I felt the slugthrower penetrate my skin. My leg felt as though I was in the lava rivers of Mustafar. I grimaced as I trudged back towards the system, feeling immense pain with each step I took. Another shot was fired, but Steve quickly intervened, taking the fall for me. The slugthrower hit his stomach, causing him to collapse on the ground beside me. I was taken back. He took a slugthrower for me...

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