Chapter 49: You're Still The Same

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                             couldn't have been the Kree, right? Sif then spoke up. "Eons ago, the Kree waged a very long war. The casualties were high, and they needed more soldiers."

"You mean cannon fodder." May corrected.

"We needed killers." Vin-Tak corrected. "One vicious faction among the Kree genetically modified other creatures' DNA. These modifications can be activated with Terrigen crystals."

"We know these torturous experiments failed." Sif replied.

"Not on Earth. Here, we had to shut them down. This faction had built a city. They brought with them the Diviners, which hold the crystals. Their plans were discovered and thwarted by the better of my kind, putting an end to that dark chapter of our past." Vin-Tak explained.

"Until now." Viktor pointed out.

"When I saw that an ancient signal had been triggered, I knew it had to be a Diviner. If the Kree empire learned that these experiments were a success, they would be likely to renew them." Vin-Tak continued.

"So why did you come here?" I questioned.

"These transformed beings are...abominations. I knew that I had to find the remainder of the Diviners before another monstrosity occurred, and erase any knowledge of it." Vin-Tak informed us.

My heart clenched. He called us an abomination, a monstrosity. I exchanged a terrified look with Skye and Viktor.

"How many Diviners are supposed to be in that crate?" May inquired.

"Enough to create an army." Vin-Tak replied.

At that moment, Jemma contacted Coulson through a walkie talkie. "Sir, the crate is empty."

Vin-Tak's face fell. "My worst fear has come true. We must find the remaining Diviners, as well as anyone who's transformed."

"We drowned the temple where the Diviners were activated, so that's a plus." Coulson mentioned. "And we do know the woman who was changed."

"So, someone was transformed. A Kree slave warrior created. Have you put it down?" Sif questioned.

My stomach churned. They were talking about Raina as if she was some creature. May shook her head. "No. She disappeared."

"What do you know of her?" Sif inquired.

"We don't know much about Raina's transformation. Skye, Viktor, and Vega witnessed it but didn't see much." Coulson commented.

Vin-Tak's eyes widened as he looked over at us. "You were there? What did you see?"

"I-I didn't...I mean, n-nothing." Skye trailed off.

"Were there others with you? The changes may not be on the surface...but buried inside. You must understand, these creatures are weapons...abominations...even if they don't know it." Vin-Tak continued.

My heart dropped. Creatures? Weapons? Abominations? At that moment, the entire place violently shook about. Pots and pans began to fall. Everything electronic began to malfunction, and sparks flew about as lights began to flicker on and off. My hands began to shake as my fingers and hands began to glow different colors. I tried to control it, but it was becoming impossible, especially when I began to hear voices across the city above us all speaking all at once. That along with the harsh words Vin-Tak was saying towards us made me overwhelmed. 

"Son of Coul, what is this?" Sif asked, baffled.

"Skye, Vega, Viktor, you wanna to talk to us?" May inquired, looking at us.

"Guys, what's doing this?" Coulson inquired as he walked towards us.

"We are." I answered.

Sif tried to grab Skye and Viktor, who were the closest to her, but I intervened, standing in front of them as I clenched my fists, growing furious. "Don't!"

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