Chapter 16. Late!

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Mikey looked towards the helpers as they all stood in line, Mikey smiled and did a small wave to them. He looked towards the weights and frown a bit. Mikey wasn't used to using weights at home. Usually Raph was using them and didn't let Mikey touch them and when he did touch them Leo would hover over making sure he didn't do anything wrong. So he avoided them and did his own kind of training.

"Mr. Mikey-" One of the guides began to speak. He was muscular and had his hair in a small pony tail.

"Mikey, you can call me Mikey. Mr, seems weird" Mikey corrected him.

"Sorry, Mikey the battle will be soon. You should start training" The guide suggested.
Mikey thought it over.
'If I work out now, I'll be able to win and stay here. But if I don't win I'll be an outcast and be alone'.

He walked towards the weights and picked one up, he was already strong from training at a young age, he looked at what pound it was 60.

"This is kind of heavy but I did to pull through" Mikey whispered to himself.

"I have a position for using weights and doing sit ups" The guide from before said while walking towards Mikey. Mikey nodded and followed the guides instructions.

"Hold both of the 60 pound weights and lift them over you head. Okay now get on the ground in a sit up position and laying your hands flat on the ground above upur head. Now sit up, bring your arms down, pump and lift them again. Keep repeating for 10 minutes" The guide said.

Mikey began to do the work out, his shoulders were burning and started to hurt. He did it over and over again until his hands were shaking, his core was about to give out and he fell back down on the ground. Making sure the weights didn't hit him in the face.

The guides helped Mikey run, lift weights, and other stuff to help him get stronger.
This went on for about an hour before Missy came up to the room to go get him. 

"Well look at you! You're all sweaty, gross, but let's go to the ring" Missy said while trying not to touch Mikeys sweaty face or hands.

The rink was in the middle of the woods, which means they had to walk a while. Mikeys legs were on fire with every step he took.

"Don't worry you'll get to rest before the match" Missy told him, she was walking with a slight bounce to her step.

'She really dose act like a rabbit' Mikey said to himself.

They kept on walking until they both saw the large walls on the rink. They walked inside, Missy was waving to everyone and gave them a smile.
The whole town was here and they were all whispering, and the kids were bouncing with excitement.

Missy lead Mikey to the doors in the back and they walked into a red room.

"Both fighters room are based off each other's signature color. Which means your room will be red while the other is orange." Missy explained while walking to a window that was placed in the center of the wall on the left.

Mikey walked over and saw where he would be fighting. It was big, lots of room for running and fighting.

"Okay you go rest while I go talk to your opponent" Missy told him while walking back to the door they came from.

The room he was in reminded him of Raph. Which freaked Mikey out a bit. Mikey sat on the nearby couch and did a sigh of relief.

Rebel was pacing his room, he thought about the small turtle and was confused. He watched over Mikey for a part of his life, he couldn't tell if he liked the turtle or not, or was just excited to fight him. He knew that he wouldn't end up with him but he still wished that the world will just go his way for once.

"In a different reality, were everything is the same but different endings" Rebel mumbled to himself.

He decided that he wouldn't let his feelings cloud his mind. He thought maybe he could impressed Mikey with his technique, but knew that had a slight chance of actually happening.

He then heard the door to his room start to opened and Missy walked through.

"Hey tough guy, you ready for the fight?" Missy asked.

"Yeah I am" Rebel said.

"Soooo~ you wouldn't happen to like the turtle would you???" Missy teased.

Unlike the average rabbit, Missy had amazing hearing. She must have heard the conversation earlier and the one from a few minutes ago.

"Don't be silly, beside what about you and that gecko from the bakery" Rebel said.

"Of course I like her, she's so cute and funny," Missy said with delight "I thought I was being obvious".

"Yeah will maybe not, either way when is the match" Rebel asked, there wasn't a clock in here so he wouldn't know.

Missy looked at the pocket watch she put on before she left to get Mikey.

"Oh my! It's happening now! Gosh I was Late! Okay go to the rink and wait there I'll go get Mikey!" Missy quickly said as she literally jumped out the door. Rebel sigh and made his way to the door on the other side of the room and walked down the stairs, that door lead to the rink directly.
He opened the door at the bottom and hopped onto the rink and went under the ropes.

"I'm late! I'm late! It's time!" Missy yelled while she kicked the door opened, shocking Mikey in the process.

"Late for what!?" Mikey questioned.
"The match! Come on come on!" Missy said while pushing Mikey to his door and down the stairs.

"You're actually like the white rabbit from wonderland" Mikey laughed while keeping himself steady.

"How nice, but get in the rink!" Missy grabbed Mikey and threw him over the ropes and he landed with a oof on the hard ground.

"Ow! I just want to sleep" Mikey whined.
He then heard a low laugh come from the other side of the rink.

He stood up while rubbing his arm and his eyes widen.


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