Chapter 59

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"You are already doing so good Angelos Mou," He praised, "Remember you are already making it hard for him just by having him undress you. You are doing so well, such a good girl teasing him by wearing his favorite color and he had no idea. He really enjoyed that surprise you gave him, did you North?"

"Fuck yes," North growled and smirked seeing her light up at the praise. He stripped and started palming himself as he sat in the chair facing the bed. She gasped while watching him and he grinned.

"Let's show him how you respond under my touch," Silas said as he pulled her tighter against him then sat on the edge of the bed, making her sit in his lap. He nudged her legs open with his knee and kept giving her kisses along her neck as he moved his fingers lower and moved her thong to the side. "Oh you are already so wet for us Angelos Mou, such a good girl," he praised making her gasp and close her eyes.

"Open your eyes Baby," North commanded as he tightened his grip on his cock. "Look what you are doing to me."

She opened her eyes and blushed as she started grinding against Silas' fingers as he slowly entered her. "There you go," Silas encouraged. "Take my fingers like you will my cock. Fuck Angelos Mou," he growled as he gently wrapped his hand around her neck. "Oh you like that?" He grinned feeling her tighten on his fingers. "You like me holding your throat?"

She nodded as she started to move faster, I trust you she mouthed and North growled.

"That's right Baby, trust us and we will worship you," He said forcing himself to not get up and kiss her.

"Oh he wants to touch you so bad," Silas chuckled as he withdrew his fingers making her pout. "Look at him trembling Angelos Mou," He whispered as pulled his pants down. "Watch him hold himself back," He smirked as he watched North as he slowly entered her, allowing her to slowly adjust to his girth. "Fuck she's so tight North," He groaned and smirked as North tightened his grip on his cock.

"Damn," North moaned as he copied Silas' thrusts with his hand. When Silas would go faster he would and when Silas would slow down North would groan and slow down. Silas smirked as he continued teasing North.

"Please Baby," North whimpered as she wrapped her arms around the back of Silas' neck causing her breasts to thrust forward. "Please."

She looked at him and smirked and shook her head.

Silas chuckled, "Oh someone is being such a good mischievous little girl," he grabbed her boobs and squeezed then as he thrust up making her gasp.

"Please Baby," North whimpered as he tightened his grip.

"Mean Kitten," Raven chuckled from the doorway causing everyone to stop and look to see Raven and Corey standing in the doorway. She licked her lips and Raven groaned as he cupped himself.

"The door wasn't shut all the way," Corey gasped as he adjusted himself.

"Can they come in and watch Angelos Mou?" Silas asked as he continued to nibble on her neck.

She bit her lip "I control?" she signed and they all nodded. She thought about it and decided just to see how far she could push them. "Raven sit and watch, Corey can touch." Silas and Corey chuckled as Raven growled and stripped then started stroking himself as Corey shut the door and stripped. "Touch me please," She mouthed and Corey started kissing her. Raven growled as he and North watched them.

Silas pulled out of her and laid back. "Let's try seeing if this will break them," Silas said as he slowly entered her ass, letting her take him at her own pace. She gasped and pulled Corey closer to kiss him. Corey entered her pussy and groaned as Silas and Corey started alternating their thrusts in her.

"Kitten," Raven growled as he forced himself to not move from beside North.

"Oh Sweetheart," Corey moaned as he licked her neck. "Feel so good."

She turned and looked at North and Raven holding themselves back because that's what she wanted. It went against everything them but they were allowing it to make her happy and show her just how much she meant to them.

"Kitten," Raven growled as he clutched his cock and moved faster in sync with Silas and Corey thrusting in Lynn. "Kitten please."

"Please Baby," North whimpered as he fought back against falling apart in his hand. "Please."

"You can only cum in me North," She mouthed as she stared in his eyes. "Don't cum yet, only in me." She turned to look at Raven and said the same thing, "Don't cum Raven, only in me."

"Fuck that was hot, Angelos Mou," Silas groaned as he moved faster, "I'm so close."

"Me too," Corey groaned as he clutched her hips tighter.

"Please," she mouthed as she felt the fire in her burn higher.

"Cum" Silas and Corey commanded as they erupted in her. She gushed all over them and laid on Silas as she trembled.

She kissed both of them and smiled as they slowly pulled out of her. She looked over at North and Raven and smiled. She climbed off Silas and crawled over to them. She moved North's hand off his cock and licked up his shaft then took him in her mouth making him gasp and wrap his fingers into her hair.

"Please Baby, please," North gasped, "I can't hold back much longer, please let me have you."

She pulled away releasing him from her mouth and smiled. She crawled over to Raven and took him in her mouth until he was begging as well. She pulled away and smiled, "Love me" she mouthed and North snapped. He pulled her up and kissed her with everything in him.

He slowly entered her then grabbed her hips and had her grind on him fast. "Fuck I can't last long, you got me all worked up teasing me like that," He growled as she gasped and held his shoulders as she rode his cock.

She looked over at Raven and held her arm out. He went over and stilled her so he could enter her from behind. Once he was fully in her he snapped and started thrusting in her fast. "So good Kitten, perfect."

She gasped and encouraged them to go faster. They chased the high loving how she trembled between them. "Please, please, please" She mouthed as she rode both their cocks.

"Cum," They commanded as they erupted in her. She gasped and orgasmed again melting into them.

"Such a good girl," North whispered as he kissed her forehead. "Such a good girl."

"Ours," Raven mumbled as he slowly pulled out of her at the same time North did. He grabbed a blanket and covered her up.

She smiled and moved her head to where she could hear North's heartbeat. She kissed his heart, laid her head back down and drifted off to sleep.

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