Chapter 53

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"Leave her alone," Lynn slowly drifted awake. "Let her sleep."

"I am," Marc whispered, "I'm just bringing her and the both of you something to snack on."

"Thanks," Luke whispered as he got back into bed and laid beside her.

She sighed softly and snuggled closer to him, making Luke smile as he ran his fingers through her hair. "You will have to leave soon," Marc whispered. "The bakery keeps calling and saying you aren't answering your phone. There's a complication with an order apparently."

"Where's Gabe?" Luke asked noticing he wasn't in the bed.

"He got a call, some fashion emergency," Marc whispered, "He left ranting and raving."

"Oh I can imagine," Luke chuckled softly, making Lynn pout as she tried to snuggle closer to him. "Sorry Cupcake," he whispered as he kissed the top of her head. She gave up trying to go back to sleep and sat up pouting. "I'm so sorry Cupcake," Luke kissed her softly. "I have a work emergency, but I bet Marc will cuddle with you until I can come back to you."

"Oh I will most definitely cuddle with you," Marc smiled as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Come on Beautiful, let's head to my room so Luke can get ready for work."

"Here you go Cupcake," Luke smiled softly as he slipped his shirt over her and she smiled softly up at him. "Rest and don't worry and when I get back I will bring you some chocolate chip cheesecake, okay?" Her eyes lit up and he smiled then kissed her softly. "Go cuddle with Marc."

She nodded and crawled over to Marc. He smiled and placed her in his lap, "Don't work too hard Luke," Marc said softly, "That's what Beautiful wanted to tell you," She nodded and Luke smiled.

"I won't," Luke smiled as he headed to his closet.

"Come on Beautiful," Marc smiled as he picked her up and carried her to his room.

"What's going on here?" Axel asked as he saw Marc carry their love out of Luke's room.

"Luke got called into work, so I am going to cuddle with Beautiful since she's still tired and needs rest," Marc smiled as she nuzzled into his neck even more. "Will you grab her snacks? I left them in Luke's room and she is bound to be hungry soon."

"Sure," Axel nodded. Marc sat her on his bed then pulled the covers back. "Here we go," Axel said as Marc covered her up then fixed the pillows behind her. "How are you feeling Doll?"

Tired but tingly she signed slowly. Kind of fuzzy all over.

"That still scare you a little bit?" Axel asked and she nodded. "Oh we can't have that," Axel said as both he and Marc got on both sides of her. "It's perfectly fine, you are safe with us."

She nodded and looked around the room. Spotting something she frowned and sat back up. Marc, why does your headboard look like it has a metal lattice?

"Because I like Shibari," Marc smiled softly. "Do you know what that is?" She shook her head, "I like rope bondage. I like tying them up with my beautiful ropes and make beautiful designs with the rope. But it takes a lot of trust in each other and in communication."

Doesn't that hurt? She asked frowning. What about circulation?

"I never let it hurt," Marc shook his head, "I have trust they will let me know if it is too tight and they have trust I won't allow it to be too tight."

"Show her," Axel said and Marc picked her up then carried her into his closet.

Her mouth opened seeing all the various colors and textures of the numerous ropes in his closet. She hesitantly reached out then brought her hand back.

"You can touch," Marc nodded. He gently placed her down so she could stand. She looked at him and he nodded so she looked back at the ropes. She took a step forward and touched a soft light green fuzzy rope. "Do you want to see that one?"

No, she shook her head, you can't partake in your tastes since I can't talk. I'm sorry. I can't communicate like you need for your likes. I'm sorry.

"Oh Beautiful," Marc smirked, "I can still tie you up like I want while making sure we can still communicate. There are so many ways I can tie you up without restricting your hands."

"Or we can give you something to hold," Axel smiled softly, "if it gets to be too much or too tight you can always drop it."

"I can decorate your beautiful skin," Marc smiled softly, "in such beautiful designs if you let me."


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