Chapter 23

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Jess slipped out of the bed and headed downstairs. She realized that Owen's study light was still on. She knocked softly. "Come in," Owen called out and watched as she slipped inside. "Everything okay?" He asked as she walked over to the desk.

"No," Jess admitted. "I'm worried about her depression getting even worse."

"I know," Owen nodded. "I'm working on what I can."

"I know you are," Jessica nodded. "We were talking earlier," She sighed, "I kind of hinted that you could show her true love, but she doesn't believe she is worth it."

"What?" Owen asked while looking up from the paper in his hand.

"Hey what are you doing in here?" Kota asked sticking his head in the office. "She's in here with Blackbourne," He called out and soon everyone came in behind him.

"She was telling me that Lynn doesn't think she is worth love."

"What?" Kota asked.

Jess told them about their talk then handed Kota her phone so he could read the text messages. He sighed and passed the phone around.

"Remember how Mom thought she wasn't worth it when she first left the asshole," he said hugging her. "We just have to give her time and slowly undo the damage he caused her. She will believe in it one day with all our help. She will confide in you more than us right now and that is understandable. Just keep reassuring her that she is worth it and helping rebuild her confidence. That's what she needs right now from her best friend."

"I'm not her best friend," Jessica rolled her eyes and stepped out of Kota's hug. "I'm her sister."

"That you are," Silas nodded. "And right now, she needs her sister to help her heal."

"And junk food," Luke giggled holding up a couple of bags.

"Lucian!" North growled.

"Here, go," Luke chuckled as he shoved the bags into Jess' hand then shoved her out of the room before slamming the door behind her. A second later she heard a thud causing her to shake her head then head back up to Lynn's new room. She noticed that Lynn was still asleep, so she set the bags on the crafting table and got back in bed with her. She sighed, moved some hair out of Lynn's face then held her hand. "We'll get through this together, I promise," She whispered before drifting back to sleep.

The next couple of weeks went by with her working on her sign language with Luke and Gabe. She was learning quicker than the rest of the team, but they were still progressing well according to Luke and Gabe. She had finished both the Taj Mahal and the Palace on the 3d puzzles, so she was currently working on a DIY miniature cottage that Nathan had noticed her looking at on Amazon one day then ordered it as a surprise for her. They quickly learned that she had a knack for the miniatures since she was already almost done completing it.

She came downstairs carefully carrying her miniature. She came into the media room where almost everyone was. Brandon was currently installing a new case he built to hold her miniatures as she finished them. "Hey Doll, did you finish it already?" Axel asked and she shook her head.

"Need help with something?" Corey asked and she nodded.

She held up the wires, "Oh need help setting up the battery?" North asked and she nodded. "Want me to do it for you?" She nodded again and he smiled.

"Hey, we need more bleach," Kota said holding up the bleach bottle. Sean was right beside him holding a clear glass with clear liquid in it and a couple of lemon slices floating on the top.

Lynn started shaking and bit her lip so much that blood started to trickle down her mouth. "Pookie what's wrong?" Sean asked taking a step towards her. She shook her head and when he grabbed her arms to try and steady her, she went rigid. Tears poured down her face as she shook. "Careful Pookie, you're going to slip in the lemon water I spilled. Gabe get her some dry clothes please. What's wrong Lynn? Come back to us." He begged recognizing she was in the midst of a flashback. She kept mouthing something, but she was shaking so much he couldn't read her lips. "Come back to us Pookie, you're not there, you're here with us. It's not real, Lynn."

"Move out of my way," Jess shoved him to the side and held Lynn. "Hey Sis, it's okay, it's me Jess, it's okay, I'm here, I'm here." Once she started to calm down Raven tried to pick her up, but she clung to Jess as if her life depended on it. "Back the fuck off Raven."

"Want Kitten," He growled.

"Well too fucking bad," Jess glared. "She wants me right now."

"You two sound like toddlers," Owen rolled his eyes. Lynn glanced up and smiled softly. "There's that smile I like so much. Now can you tell me what that was all about?"

"He made you drink lemon water with bleach, didn't he?" Silas asked.

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