Chapter 20

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I'm going to kill that fucking asshole. How dare he treat Baby like that and now he has her thinking that fucking shit. I swear to God if Raven doesn't kill him first then I'm going to. How in the hell can she think so little of herself? Oh, I can't wait to spoil her and treat her like the queen she is. It's going to take fucking forever to undo all the damage the asshole had done to her, but it will be so worth it. I need to go punch something then go check on Baby.


He needs to pay; this is not good. I need to make some phone calls, I wonder who all is at the prison he is currently at, exactly how many favors do we have again? I need to make a call to the judge and let him know of this new development. Also need to make a call to the lawyers and get this divorce taken care of one way or another. There is absolutely no way she is going to stay married to him any longer than absolutely necessary. There has to be a loop hole to the divorce or something to get it taken care of even without his consent. Everything he has done to her has to be taken into account now that he is in prison. It's going to take a long time to undo all these triggers and her way of thinking, but it will be amazing to her overcome her fears and start to become whole again. Getting rid of him is help tremendously. I wonder if Ravenstahl has some people in the prison? I need to look into that....


It breaks my heart that she is thinking like that but honestly it does not surprise me since we knew he was controlling in the past. It's going to take a lot of patience to help her through all this but when she over comes this, she is going to amaze us, I just know it.


My poor Princess, what all has he done to you to make you think this is, okay? You truly are a damsel in distress right now and I don't like it. I miss your smile and bright eyes; I hate how they are filled with fear all the time. Just try and have faith in us and we will help you slay all those bad demons and then we are going to spoil you rotten and show you are you are really supposed to be treated. You will never want to leave us, watching you overcome these demons and gain the courage to chase your dreams is going to be amazing to witness.


Fucking hell, this is fucked up. Just what the hell has my Trouble gone through? How in the hell can she think that this way of thinking is okay? Where is my Trouble that was career driven and fucking focused on doing her best at work with Jess? What the fuck did she even see in that fucking asshole in the first place? How could she think all this was goddamn okay in the first place? She really doesn't fucking know what love is. Fuck, I can't wait to show her real fucking love. It's going to blow her goddamn mind. First things fucking first though and getting her fucking better and getting her to fucking realize that she doesn't have to fucking do everything like a goddamn maid....fuck....

"Morning Guys," Jess yawned as she came into the kitchen. "Something smells yummy." She looked around the kitchen and frowned, "What's wrong?"

Kota sighed, "Sis, I need you to sit down." She sat down and he proceeded to tell her what happened while she was sleeping. She gasped and shook her head while she listened.

"Is she okay?" She asked when he was done.

"She's currently in her room sleeping," Sean nodded. "Raven is in there with her." He handed her the phone showing the picture that he sent them.

"We've got a lot to help her overcome but we knew that anyway," She whispered as she started eating the plate that Marc sat in front of her. "Where do we start? How do we start?"

"We need to get her divorced," Axel sighed. "The sooner she is permantly away from him with no ties, the better. It will take a lot of stress away from her."

"I will be spending today figuring that out," Owen nodded as he finished his tea.

"Cousin prison," Raven said as he came into the kitchen. "Pay visit happy. He professional Russian."

"Really?" North smirked and Raven nodded.

"What are you doing in here?" Jess asked. "I thought you were you were with Lynn."

"Kitten hurt," He explained.

"Here is her soup," Marc said handing him a tray. "I just finished it so it's still needs to cool down a little bit before she can eat it. It's her favorite cheesy potato soup."

"Why didn't you tell us you had a cousin in prison earlier?" Kota asked.

"He go week next," Raven shrugged.

"Last week or next week?" Corey asked confused this time.

"Week before," Raven said calmly.

"Last week," Corey corrected.

"Same," Raven rolled his eyes. "Father say go murder but no body so he leave soon no proof. Professional Russian know no leave body."

"Interesting," Owen said as he adjusted his cuff links. "I may need to speak to your father later."

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