Chapter 6

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"It's your nerves Darling," Owen said softly. "Your anxiety is through the roof at the moment. Once you get home where you feel safe you will start to fee better."

"I'm sorry Owen," Lynn whimpered and he rubbed her back.

"There is nothing to feel sorry about Darling, he is the one who ruined a perfectly good outing," Owen said as they headed to the cars.

"Owen," Lynn said as she started to get dizzy.

"I got you Darling," Owen said as he leaned against the car and pulled her against his chest. "Just listen to my heartbeat." She closed her eyes as he tightened his grip around her. She clutched his jacket and inhaled his Irish Spring scent. "We got you Darling, everything will be okay," He whispered over and over as he held her. Some of the guys were talking to the officers while the others were surrounding her, Jess and Owen giving them privacy from nosy strangers. "Slow deep breaths Darling, nice and slow," He gently commanded. She listened to him and his heartbeat and finally everything stopped spinning slowly allowing her chest to ease the fire of oxygen deprivation. "Good girl," he praised her once she was better. "Now let's go home."

Back at the house Jess curled up in the bed with Lynn and held her while she cried. Just as she calmed down there was a knock on her door. Jess opened it and there stood Luke and Gabe with bags in their hands, "What's up?" Jess asked.

"Comfort food," Luke smiled as he quickly looked around, "hurry let us in before North finds out."

Lynn sat up and slightly giggled when she heard from downstairs, "Lucian what do you have? It better not be chocolate!"

She heard footsteps on the stairs and giggled, "Hurry come in Lucian and Gabe."

"Thank you Cupcake," Luke smiled as he pulled Gabe into the room.

"Fucking hell, ease up Luke," Gabe rolled his eyes and stumbled dramatically causing Lynn to burst out laughing.

"What do you have Lucian?" North growled as he stood in the doorway.

"Cupcake needs comfort food, North," Luke pouted.

Gabe pulled out pints of chocolate chip cookie dough and brownie ice cream, Dr. Pepper, various candies, and hot chips. "Here Trouble," Gabe said as he opened the other bag to reveal brand new fuzzy pajamas and fuzzy socks for both her and Jessica.

Just then the doorbell rang and Kota called out, "Who ordered pizza and wings?"

"Really Lucian?" North asked and Luke winked at Lynn then pouted.

"Comfort food for Cupcake," Luke explained.

"So that's why you wanted to know her favorite pizza and wings. Thanks Luke," Jessica beamed and hugged him, "I'll go let Kota know."

"Thank you Lucian and Gabriel," Lynn smiled softly.

"Of course Cupcake," Luke smirked and kissed her forehead.

"Just this once Lucian," North huffed and walked over to Lynn to pull her into a hug. He inhaled her sweet scent and relished her tiny frame being in his arms. After a few minutes he calmed down and pulled away. "Go get changed into your new pajamas Baby, I'll go get your food ready for you but I want you drinking water tomorrow."

"Okay North," Lynn nodded and pulled him into another hug. He stood there and let her decide when she needed to pull away.

Once she was in the bathroom he turned on Luke, "Don't sneak her snacks Lucian."

"Got it little brother," Luke laughed then took off running to make sure North didn't find his stash he got himself while getting Lynn and Jess their snacks.

Lynn came out of the bathroom to see North walking back in with a tray with various bowls. She looked at him confused then beamed when he sat it down on the bed. North had poured her snacks into various Tupperware bowls so she could pick at what she wanted then seal it up for later times.

"Lucian and Gabriel helped," North huffed as Jessica came in with another tray with their pizzas and wings. "Here," North moved the tray then took the one from Jess, "get comfortable Girls."

"You know you are ruining your bad boy image North," Jess giggled as she went to the bathroom to change into her pajamas as well.

North rolled his eyes and Lynn giggled, "It will be our secret North," She whispered and he smiled softly.

Jess came back and they got comfortable. Then North put the trays on the bed and handed Lynn the remote. "Have fun Girls," he said as he left and shut the door behind him. As much as he hated seeing his Baby surrounded by all that junk food he had to thank Luke as well since he knew she needed this kind of spoiling right now. Thank the stars she agreed to go back to being healthy tomorrow.

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