Chapter 25

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Silas, North, and Raven surrounded the girls as they left the bathroom and headed out to the cars. They headed straight to the mansion and the place was put on lockdown.

"It will be okay Lynn," Jess said as they headed to her room. "The guys got a plan in motion, nothing is going to happen to us."

"You are going to stay in here like usual," Owen said coming into the room, "We are going to take shifts, two of us are going to stay with you at all times until he is caught."

Lynn nodded and there was a knock on the door. Raven came in with his phone in his hand. "Father call. Ivan call, Father tell, Ivan pissed no like women abuser. Very mad when Father tell Ivan Robert do to Kitten. Ivan on hunt."

"See?" Corey smiled softly. "Raven's cousin is the best tracker of his family, he's now on the hunt as well. Everything will be okay, Sweetie."

Lynn got out of bed and slowly walked over to Raven. She stood there looking up at him nervously. Raven opened his arms and she slowly walked into them. Raven waited until she wrapped her arms around him and clutched the back of his shirt.

"Promise Kitten, no touch you. I kill him, I professional Russian," He felt her smile against his shirt and kissed the top of her head.

He waited until she let go then she did the same with Owen and Corey. "Come on Cupcake," Luke said walking into the room, "Let's go make some cupcakes and cookies and see how long it takes before North notices and gets mad."

She shook her head and Jess nodded, "I think that sounds like lots of fun. I bet you Luke is wrong and North will allow it right now."

"Nah uh," Luke shook his head instantly getting what Jess was doing and played along. "North is going to have a fit and make us stop."

"Nope," Jess shook her head. "He's going to allow it because Lynn will be doing it."

"Nah uh," Luke shook his head, "He's going to complain like always about it not being healthy."

"Guess there's only one way to find out," Jess smirked then looked at Lynn. "What do you say?"

Lynn sighed and signed Guess there is only one way to find out. Then headed down to the kitchen missing the smirks Jess, Luke, Corey, and Raven had while Owen shook his head.

Just as Lynn was reaching to ice some cupcakes North walked it to kitchen after doing a patrol of outside. "What are you doing Baby?" he asked and she looked up at him nervously.

"We're making cookies and cupcakes," Luke beamed.

"Really?" North asked and she nodded.

"Just please eat healthy tomorrow," North sighed as he walked over to her. She nodded and Luke dropped his mouth open dramatically.

"See told you Lucian!" Jess burst out laughing.

"What?" North asked confused.

"I told the girls you would make us stop and complain about it not being healthy and yell at me but Jess said you would allow it because of Cupcake so Cupcake said there was only one way to find out," Luke pouted as he popped a cookie into his mouth.

"If it makes Baby happy then I will tolerate it but you on the other hand know better," North growled as glared at Luke. "Spit it out Lucian."

"Not fair," Luke said with his mouth full.

"She doesn't eat sweets all the time like you do," North glared. "Spit it out Lucian."

"Too late," Luke laughed opening his mouth to show it was empty then took off down the hall with North chasing him.

"Boys," Jess rolled her eyes as Lynn smiled softly then went back to icing the cupcakes.

After dinner Jess and Lynn brought out their cakes, cookies, and cupcakes. Sean was excited to have apple pie then got even more excited when Jess told him there were a couple more in the fridge so he could take some to work with him. Lynn tapped North on the shoulder and placed a plate in front of him when he looked up at her.

"What's this Baby?" he asked curiously.

I made you apple crisps and peach crisps and blueberry crisps since they are healthy desserts. She signed slowly. She was still struggling but getting better at signing.

He beamed and stood. "Can I hug you?" He asked and she nodded. "Thank you Baby," he said holding her close. "They look wonderful."

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