Chapter 54

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Marc and Axel led her back into the bedroom and sat her down. "If this gets to be too much, just let us know," Marc said softly as he started to weave the rope around one of her legs. "It is perfectly okay if you can't handle this right now. It's all about communication, okay?" She nodded and watched him as he wove it over her body. She listened as he explained everything he was doing to her and he would constantly ask her how she was feeling and it meant the world to her.

"How does this feel Doll?" Axel asked as she sat in his lap. She nodded and smiled as he shifted her to feel him better under her. She gasped softly and he turned her to face him. He stared into her eyes, looking for any fear but all he saw was excitement and nervousness. "Hold onto this," he said as he slipped his necklace off and placed it in her hands. "If it gets to be too much, drop it and we will stop, okay? We only want to make you feel good and it's okay if we don't use the ropes, we can still make you feel good without them, okay?"

She nodded, leaned forward and gently kissed him. He ran his fingers into her hair and tilted her head back to deepen the kiss. She slowly started grinding on him, loving hearing him moan because of her. It gave her a sense of pride that she could make them feel that way. "Damn you look so beautiful," Marc said as he rubbed against her ass and nibbled on her neck. "I bet you are soaking right now, aren't you?"

"She is," Axel groaned. "You feel so good." She gasped as he helped her slowly ease down on his cock. "You are so tight, Doll, so good. Fuck you feel so good."

"Goddamn," Marc moaned as he eased into her ass making her gasp, "you are so fucking perfect," He groaned as she bounced on both of their cocks.

"That's it Doll," Axel moaned, "take both of our cocks, just like that, fuck that's it."

"You look so damn good in my designs, Beautiful," Marc groaned as he started thrusting in her faster. Axel moaned as he started moving faster as well. They were so close to losing control feeling her taking the both of them. "So perfect, fuck."

Please she mouthed as she clenched down, Please so close please imgonnaacum imgonna...

"Cum," They both commanded as they came which sent her over.

"Such a good girl," they whispered as they undid the ropes and held her. They kept whispered reassurance and gave soft kisses as she slowly came down and drifted off to sleep in their arms.

"Here is some water when she wakes up," North whispered as he came into the room a few moments later. "Dinner will be done soon as well."

"Thanks," Marc whispered as he applied some lotion to her skin. "How did everyone's work emergencies go? Everything okay?"

North nodded, "Apparently Gabe's emergency was color conflict or something, two of Luke's ovens quit working but Silas was able to fix them. Sean and Owen are on their way home."

"How is it coming with the binding stuff?" Axel asked. "She is perfect."

"You can ask Gabe during dinner," North whispered, "I doubt she will wake, you six have really wore her out I'm sure. She needs her rest, I'll just put her plate to the side."

"You are seriously okay with her missing a meal?" Marc asked and North nodded.

"She will eat when she wakes," He whispered watching her sleep. "She needs her rest right now."

"Okay, we will stay here with her while you eat," Axel whispered, "She still sleeps better with us then by herself. We can swap out afterwards."

"Sounds like a plan," North nodded and left the room.

Lynn felt herself being moved but was too tired to try to fully wake. The scent of ocean filled her and she sighed as warmth covered her letting her slip more into sleep. Silas smiled as he finished slipping his shirt down over her stomach. He grabbed her pajama pants that Gabe handed him and finished dressing her then pulled his comforter over her after sliding in beside her. He pulled her close to him and smiled as she laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arm over his stomach. "Sleep Angelos Mou," he whispered while smiling softly. North came in a few minutes later and got in on the other side of the bed. He kissed her head softly and wrapped his hand around her before drifting off to sleep.

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