Chapter 40

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Lynn opened her eyes and frowned when she realized she was in a room she didn't fall asleep in. "Ah, morning Princess," Victor smiled as he came out of his closet while slipping a shirt on. She looked around and he smirked, "Owen moved you into my room when he had to leave for work." She nodded and bit her lip. "He wanted you to know that if you wanted to keep listening to his music you can go into his room and just turn on the stereo, he doesn't mind. I wouldn't mind if you listened to mine either. Just pop in any CD at any time, neither one of us minds one bit."

She nodded and sat up in the bed a little more. If it's not a problem I would like to stay and listen some more. You should make a cd with Owen, it would sound amazing to hear the two of you together. She yawned and stretched.

Victor had to bite back a groan watching her stretch, she was so graceful and beautiful. Snapping back to reality before his thoughts got the best of him, he smiled and reached over to top of a pile of CDs. "As you wish Princess," he smirked as he popped the cd into the stereo system. He smiled as her eyes lit up hearing the two of them play music together. She beamed and laid back down in bed.

"Oy, are we not wanting to get out of bed yet Trouble?" Gabe asked as he walked past Victor's open door then came back once he spotted her.

"Leave her alone Gabe," North growled. "She woke super early this morning, like two in the morning. Let her rest if she wants. I'm off to work Baby, I'll see you later."

She sat back up and hugged him tightly. He kissed her forehead then left. "Where's my cupcake?" Luke called out then she smiled when she heard Marc tell him to be quiet in case she was still sleeping.

"She's with Victor and she's awake," Gabe called out and seconds later Luke appeared.

"I'm off to open the bakery Cupcake, I'll see you when I get off," Luke smiled as he hugged her. "Don't have too much fun without me."

She smiled and nodded, a few of the other guys came by to tell her bye as they left for work and Victor noticed she soaked up all their attention. He made a note to let them know but he also wouldn't be surprised if they already noticed that about her. He couldn't wait for the day she realized how special they were to her.

"Since you are relaxing in bed, here is your breakfast, Beautiful," Marc smiled as he carried in her food on a tray. "And here are your vitamins and medicine." She mouthed thank you and he nodded then kissed her forehead before leaving to finish making breakfast. He sent a quick text to Sean to let him know that she took her medicine and he sent back a thumbs up emoji to let Marc know he saw it.

"I'm sorry Princess, but I have to go get some more practice in for this upcoming recital," Victor frowned then smiled after he kissed her forehead. "You can stay in here if you want. I will see you once I get back, okay?" She nodded then hugged him before he left.

"Oy, what are we doing today, Trouble?" Gabe said as he sat beside in on the bed.

Don't you have that modeling dress up session thing today in an hour? She asked frowning in confusion.

"Oy fuck's sake! I forgot!" Gabe jumped out of the bed, "Thanks Trouble, I fucking forgot! You are a goddamn savior, Trouble. I'll see you later!" He rushed out the door and she shook her head while smiling. A second later Gabe rushed back in, gave her a quick kiss on the lips then rushed back out the door to his room.

She gently touched her lips in shocked then quickly grabbed her phone and sent Jess a text. Jess sent back a winking, sticking tongue out smiley face and Lynn shook her head. She picked up her phone again and opened the message to Owen.

Are you busy Dragon?

No Darling, what are you doing?

Still in Prince's bed.

Sounds fun. Are you going to stay in bed all day?

No, actually....

What is it Darling?

I would like to go outside and work on my painting, but I also want to keep listening to you and Prince's music that you made together.

Then do both, you can play the music outside so you can listen while you paint.

I can? I don't know how to do that. I didn't see a stereo out on the gazebo the other day.

That's because we bring it out when we are out there but bring it in when we aren't. Don't worry your pretty little head over it. I will find out who is there with you and have them set it out for you. You just go get dressed, have breakfast, then head outside.

I had breakfast in bed, Bean brought me some and gave me my medicine as well. Thank you Dragon, I'll go get dressed.

You are very welcome, Darling. I will see you when I get home soon.

Sure enough by the time she got done getting dressed and headed outside, she found Corey setting everything up for her. "Morning Sweetheart," He smiled and hugged her. "I will just work on some stuff out here with you, if you don't mind." She nodded and beamed as he sat across from her and started working on his laptop. This was going to be a good day she thought as she grabbed her paintbrush.

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