Chapter 57

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I am sorry what? She asked shocked.

"She said, sorry what?" Luke translated. "The last we heard he escaped from prison and was running."

"We know that," Bates said watching her carefully. She shivered and scooted closer to Henry and Liam Anderson. "I have investigated your numerous assault files and restraining orders on him and I know that someone notified you when he broke out of prison. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that we have found his body and identified it through dental records so you will no longer have to worry about him showing up unexpectedly and bothering you again."

Identified him through dental records? She asked scared What does that mean? I mean I know what that means but why did you have to identify him like that? I'm sorry I'm just confused.

"She wants to know why you had to identify him through dental records," Luke translated.

"It appears that he was beaten, stabbed, and burned beyond facial recognition," Bates said as he looked around the room.

I'm sorry, she clutched her mouth and rushed to the bathroom to throw up.

"Seriously?" North growled, "you had to be that specific? You couldn't have just said something simpler? Does it make you feel good that you made her sick to her stomach?"

"She asked and I told her the truth," he shrugged. "She has a right to know she is a widow now and doesn't have to worry about him hurting her anymore."

"You are a fucking asshole," Nathan growled.

"I'm going to go check on her," Sean said as he grabbed his doctor bag off the table. "Lynn, can I come in and check on you?" He heard her throwing up so he opened the door, slipped in and shut it behind him, making sure to lock the door. "Oh Pookie," he whispered as he held her hair out of her face. He rubbed her back and once he was sure she was done he helped her stand.

She rinsed her mouth then turned and clung to him. Once she started to feel a little better she pulled away and looked up at him scared, What is going on Sean? You and I both know that he is buried in that garden in the back with Owen's father. Who is that guy? What is going on Sean? Did someone move the body? Is he here just trying to really find out what happened? Is he part of the Academy?

"Calm down Pookie," Sean whispered softly as he pushed her hair out of her face. "Everything will be okay, I promise. We will figure out what is going on. Both those losers are still in the garden as far as I know. Everything will be okay, we just have to trust Owen and everyone else, okay?" She clung to him and nodded. "Let's just go back out there, and you keep being scared and confused while we try to figure out who this guy is."

I'm sorry she signed as she held her stomach.

"She said sorry," Gabe muttered. "Not that she has a reason to be sorry, that prick was an abusive piece of shit and deserved whatever the fuck happened to him."

"Gabe," Lily scolded.

"What?" Gabe asked glaring at the officer. "He fucking did, but none of us did it so you better not be looking at us for suspects. We've all been either here with Lynn or working."

"So it's just a normal day to have just a large group of people in this house?" Officer Bates asked as he opened the file in his hands. "Because I happen to know that the Andersons live a couple of hours away and that Toma group live an hour away."

"Then that information you have is very out of date," Lily Anderson stood and placed her hands on her hips. "If you must know we only live 30 minutes away and we actually come over multiple times a week to have family dinner together."

"And we actually moved in a couple of years ago when we realized we actually spend more time here than at our old place," Axel said crossing his arms. "So whatever information you have definitely needs to be updated."

"It's actually kind of weird how you know that he broke out of prison and knew she was here with us, but you didn't have up to date information on all of us," Liam said standing up to his full height. "So, who did you say you work for again?"

"The FBI," he said as he closed his folder. "I will go discuss that with the agent that put all this together, thank you for letting me know. I will let you know when we know more of what happened to Mr. Matthews." Just as he stepped into the hallway, he spotted Lynn who was heading to the kitchen to get a drink of water. "I will find out the truth on what happened and whoever murdered him will pay."

"Good," Owen said making Bates turn around in surprise. Owen stared him down and Bates took a couple steps away from Lynn. "Silas, I think it's best you help Lynn get a drink. Officer Bates as really shaken her up."

"Got it," Silas stood and walked over to Lynn, "Come on, I'll get you that drink" he said soothingly as he gently led her into the kitchen.

"You have said what you needed to say," Owen said as he continued staring down Bates. "You can leave now unless there is something else you wanted to try and say away from us." Bates glared but stormed out of the mansion. "Find out whatever you can on him," he said turning to Victor and Corey. "There is no way he's who he says he is."

"Got it," they said as they pulled out their laptops and began typing away.

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