Chapter 46

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I am sorry it is taking me so long to update the stories, my fibromyalgia has been horrible and I also started a new class for my Master's degree as well as start my four kids on a new home school routine. I apologize for the delays and will try to get better at updating more frequently, please be patient with me.

"Here you go Doll," Axel said handing her a cup of warm tea with honey. She smiled up at him and started sipping it. She frowned when she noticed it didn't coat her throat like it normally did. "What's wrong Doll? Is it not like I normally make it?"

I don't know, she signed while looking at the cup in confusion It tastes the same but my throat feels different. I can't explain it I'm sorry it just feels different.

"Go see Doc," Axel instructed and she nodded.

She headed to Sean's room and knocked but there was no answer so she went to Owen's which was next to Sean's. She knocked and heard Come In so she opened to see Owen buttoning up his shirt. She stared for a second then blushed when she saw he was watching and looked down at the ground. He chuckled and walked over to her. He tilted her chin up to make her look at him. "You can look all you want Darling," He smirked that special smile for her causing her to blush again. "I like you looking, understand?" She nodded and held his shirt. "Now did you need something?"

She nodded Do you know where Dr. Sean is? I need to let him know something.

"He's at the hospital," Owen said looking at her concerned. "What's wrong?"

I don't know, She shook her head. Axel made me my cup of tea like he does every morning and it tasted just the same but I don't know this morning it just felt different. I can't explain it I'm sorry.

"Don't be," He said grabbing his phone. He sent a text then grabbed his jacket, "Come on, we're going to see Dr. Green to get it checked out."

It's okay, She shook her head, He's busy and it is probably nothing. I don't want to bother him if he is busy. I can wait until he is off work. I feel fine I promise.

Owen grabbed her hands and stared into her eyes, "He is not busy, he said to come in immediately. We would rather get it checked out and find that it is nothing then wait and come to find out it is worse than we thought. I promise he is not busy, he would tell us to go see Dr. Roberts if he was. Now let's go see what's going on, okay?"

But what about your work? She asked and he smiled softly while moving her hair behind her ear.

"The good thing about owning my own businesses is that I can go in whenever I want. This is more important than some files," he said and she bit her lip and looked down at their hands. "Go find Gabriel and get ready Darling," He whispered as he kissed her forehead. "I will let everyone know what is going on, okay? He is probably in his room."

She nodded and hugged him then kissed his cheek and bolted out the room causing him to chuckle. She knocked on Gabe's door and entered when he said to come in. "Oy Trouble, what's up?" Gabe asked as he slipped his shirt on.

Owen is taking me to see Dr Sean about my throat because it feels different. He told me to come see you to get ready, She said nervously. But if you are busy I can just go get ready on my own.

"Fuck that," he chuckled and grabbed her hand. "I got you Trouble." He led her to her room and had her sit on the bed while he headed to her closet. Once she was dressed, he brushed her hair and finished getting her ready to leave. "Now wait while I grab my shoes and I will go with you and Mr. B." She brought up him going to work and he shook his head, "You are more fucking important than my salons, besides the hairdressers can fucking open for me. Family is more fucking important."

"Is she ready Gabe?" Owen asked and he nodded.

"Yep she is," Gabe smiled. "I will just grab my shoes and meet you there."

"Alright," Owen nodded. "Everyone else may need your help getting ready as well, they want to go and see what Sean says as well. Come on Darling, let's go see your doctor."

"Hey Pookie, what's going on with your throat?" Sean asked as the whole team and Lynn came into his office. "I asked Dr. Roberts to look as well just to make sure we have everything covered, okay?"

She nodded, It is probably nothing just so you know.

"Well, let's check just to make sure, okay?" She nodded and he sat in front of her. "Now tell us what happened please."

Axel made me my morning tea and while I was drinking it I noticed that it didn't coat my throat like it normally does. He noticed when I was looking at my cup and asked what was wrong because he made it like he does every morning and it does taste the same but I just don't know it didn't feel the same is the best way I can explain it. It just feels different but I don't know how else to describe it. I'm sorry.

"That's fine Pookie," Sean nodded as he grabbed his flashlight pen, "Open up." She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. "Well it looks the same," he said in full doctor mode. He felt along her throat, "it feels the same."

"Let me see," Dr. Roberts said so Sean moved to the side. "Okay Dear, let's go to another room, I want to stick a camera down your throat like last time and see how the internal healing is doing. It could be what you felt is healing so it's not as raw as it has been so the coating would feel different if it is healing, okay?" He asked and she nodded then looked at the team.

"We will be right here when you get back," Sean smiled as he gently squeezed her hands.

They came back an hour later with Dr. Roberts smiling, "It's just as I thought, she is healing so it doesn't feel as rough as it has been. If she feels up to it, I want her to start trying to hum and test how her vocal cords are doing on healing. It may hurt though and if it does she has to stop and rest. We don't want to cause more problems, ease into humming and we'll see how it goes."

"Okay, thanks Dr. Roberts," They said after hugging her.

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