Chapter 48

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Lynn gasped as she woke up. She glanced around the pitch black room and bit her lip so she didn't burst into tears. She got out of bed and headed down the hall. She spotted Owen's office light on underneath the door. She gently opened the door and Owen looked up from the paper he was looking over.

"What's wrong Darling?" Owen asked instantly noticing the distraught look in her eyes. He walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. He picked her up making her wrap her legs around his waist and carried her over to his chair. She sat up to look him in the eyes. He wiped away a tear that leaked free, "What's wrong Darling?" She shook her head and he pushed her hair behind her ear, "Are you worried I will feel like you are being needy and too much?" he whispered as he ghosted his fingers along her jawline. She nodded and he frowned ever so slightly. "I will never think that Darling, none of us will. We love that you seek us out for comfort. It makes us feel good that you need us. We will never lie to you, I promise. We love to feel needed, Darling, I promise."

I woke up alone she signed while looking around the room so she didn't have to see the disappointment and frustration in his eyes.

He gently put his fingers under her chin and had her look at him. She closed her eyes so he just waited patiently until she opened her eyes. Once she finally opened her eyes he gave her that special smile that she knew was just for him.

"I'm so sorry you woke up alone, Darling," Owen whispered.

"Owen do you know where Cupcake is?" Luke burst into the office panicked. "Oh thank fucking god, there you are Cupcake."

"Care to explain why she woke up alone Luke?" he asked as Luke came over to them. "You said you were going to lay down with her when everyone went to bed."

"I got up to get a drink and when I came back she wasn't in the room," He explained, "I swear I only got up to get a drink. When I left Gabe was in the bed as well. Do you know where he is?"

"Oy Owen, do you know where Trouble fucking is? She's not in bed—" Gabe asked as he came into the office. "Oy there you fucking are, Trouble."

"Where the fuck were you?" Luke asked getting upset. "You were in the bed when I went to get a drink and yet she came in here near tears because she woke up alone."

"I had to fucking pee!" Gabe exclaimed.

"Anyway," Owen said trying to calm everyone down, "Darling, do you see it was just a mistake that you woke up alone? They did not intentionally leave you alone, it was just a mistake. Can you see how worried they were when you weren't in bed, can you see that we care for you?"

She nodded and wiped a tear away.

"We are so fucking sorry Trouble," Gabe said hugging her.

"So sorry Cupcake," Luke nodded.

I'm sorry it upset me so much she signed after yawning.

"Don't be sorry," Owen shook his head. "It's good that you can tell us how you are feeling, it helps us know how to help you. Remember we want to feel needed, okay?" She nodded and he smiled. "How about we have a sleepover in the media room with everyone that way if someone has to get up again tonight you won't be alone if you wake up again?"

I don't think I will have a nightmare again if I'm not alone, she signed.

"Good," Luke smiled. "We will make sure you aren't alone at night ever again."

"I'll go get the room fucking set up," Gabe said then left the office.

"Are you okay now?" Owen asked softly once they were alone in the room again. She nodded and leaned down to hug him. "You will never be alone again, unless you want to be, Darling."

She sat up and looked into his eyes, I don't want to be alone she signed and he leaned forward and gently kissed her. She gasped and clutched his shirt to help her feel grounded. He gently bit her bottom lip causing her to gasp so he wrapped his fingers into her hair and wrapped his other hand around her waist as he deepened the kiss. He smirked when he pulled away and she had this dazed awe look on her. She was glowing and he wanted her to feel that way all the time.

"Come on, Trouble," Gabe said as he came into the room.

"So, what are we watching?" Kota asked as everyone gathered in the media room.

Halfway through the movie she fell back asleep between North and Raven.

"So, what happened?" Kota whispered.

"She woke up alone from a nightmare and panicked," Luke whispered ashamedly. "I got up to get a drink and apparently when I was gone Gabe got up to pee."

"She almost didn't tell me," Owen whispered watching her sleep. "She feared being too needy. We have got to help her realize that we want her to be needy and clingy. We also have to make sure that she isn't alone anymore, she told me she doesn't want to be alone so we need to make sure she isn't."

"We are willing and will obey," They whispered as they went back to watching the movie.

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