Chapter 29

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Owen watched as Silas tied his biological father to the chair then grabbed a bucket of water and threw it on him, waking up the man who started cussing up a storm.

"Hello Aaron," Owen said with absolutely no emotion as he watched the man who held the same grey eyes as his glare back at him.

"Owen," He growled as he tried to break free from the handcuffs.

"Would you care to explain to me how you know Robert Matthews?" Owen asked as he adjusted his tie.

"How about you undo these cuffs and we can catch up Son?" Aaron smirked causing Owen to turn his icy stare into the man's gray eyes that were dull and emotionless.

"I am not your son," Owen said while remaining calm. "I may share your DNA but other than that I have no ties to you and it will remain that way. All you ever brought me was pain. You cease to matter to me the day you killed my mother and siblings. After that day, you have ceased to even be a thought in my mind. You are nothing to me."

Aaron chuckled, "Obviously I meant something to you if you finally grew some balls and listened to me and did something with your life."

"Actually, it has nothing to do with you," Owen said as he removed his tie and cufflinks then gave them to Silas. "I became better than you because of my father Richard. He was the one who showed me how to be a man."

"I'm your father Boy," Aaron growled and tried to lunge at Owen, "not that useless prick. You would be nothing without me."

"How did you ever do anything for me? You were gone after you took away my family," Owen said forcing himself to not show any emotion even though inside he really just wanted to punch the shit out of the man who looked identical at him except for being older.

"By doing just that," Aaron chuckled as he leaned back into the chair. "Your mother was useless and pathetic, she coddled you way to fucking much. She was a distraction and confusing the hell out of you. There was no way you would man up with her babying you and your little brother and sister so much. I knew the only way you would become the man you were suppose to be was to get rid of them. It was obvious your bratty little brother and sister doted on your every move and you were becoming just like that stupid bitch of a mother so they had to go as well. Once all your distractions were taken care of then you would become the man you were suppose to be."

"You son of a bitch," Owen shook his head. "You are something else if you think I became what I am because of you and what you took from me. Now answer me, how do you know Robert Matthews?"

"I've been watching you for years," Aaron smirked. "You were doing so well being so focused on your work then that little bitch showed up and once again you were getting distracted. Canceling meetings and coddling her, it was like watching your useless mother all over again so I knew I had to get rid of her. Imagine my surprise when I found out she is actually married and he wanted her back to show her exactly what your mother refused to become. It was like killing two birds with one stone."

"You are the one who bailed him out," Owen said after unclenching his jaw.

"And helped make sure she left the mansion on her own free will to go back to him and informed him every time you got close to finding them," Aaron nodded. "I also told him about mixing lemon water and bleach to silence her, it worked so well on your useless stupid mother."

Owen lost control at that moment and punched Aaron in the face. Silas just stood back and watched as Owen served his own justice to his father. After a while Owen felt someone touch his shoulder. He turned with his fist raised and eye locked with Lynn who flinch. He immediately dropped his arm and pulled her to him. "Oh Darling," he whispered as she clung to him. "I'm so sorry this pathetic excuse of a man helped the asshole."

Aaron groaned and chuckled, "There you go again being weak," He spit out blood.

He's not weak, Lynn signed in frustration He's as strong as a dragon.

"Stop with your useless signing Bitch," Aaron groaned. "No one cares about you and eventually you will realize that they will tire of helping out such a weak bitch. Learn your place."

"Her place is beside us," Owen growled as he pulled the gun out from behind his back and shot his father in the chest.

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