Chapter 47

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"How are you feeling Peanut?" Nathan asked as they sat around at the diner to get something to eat. She shrugged as she spun the fork she was holding. "Hey, it's a good progress you are making. This is great. Maybe you can start humming in the next few days and who knows maybe you will get your voice back soon." She shrugged and sat the fork down then looked out the window. "Hey everything okay?"

She shrugged I just don't want to get my hopes up she signed.

"Let's just keep taking it day by day, okay?" Kota asked and she nodded. "How about we just not talk about it anymore today and have a family day as celebration for the healing that you are doing?"

What about just doing it another day? You are already late for your work. She asked. We can always do family day on another day. You have things to do.

"And we can do them on another day," Owen said as he paid for their food. "We need to celebrate and the best way to do it is to spend time together. What would you like to do?" She shrugged and looked out the window.

"We can't be out in the sun for too long," Sean said, "keep that in mind."

"Would you like to tour the aquarium Doll?" Axel asked, "We can go in the back and you can touch the whales, sharks, and turtles while also helping me give some of the sick animals so medicines."

I can touch the whales and turtles? She asked intrigued and Axel nodded.

"I have plenty animals in the back you can touch," He smiled. "How does that sound?" She nodded and he smiled. "Let's go then."

They headed to the aquarium and she gasped in awe as they walked under the tunnel so the animals swam above her. She had such a look of awe on her face that all the men smiled.

"Here are the hurt manatees," Axel smiled as he gently led her to a room in the back. "Would you like to feed them after I insert their medicines into the fish?"

Will it be safe? She asked cautiously. I don't have any training or anything.

"It will be safe," Axel nodded as he brought over some medicine. "They are some of the gentlest animals of the water. They will pretty much just open their mouths and wait for you to toss the fish into their mouths. Although at times when they are feeling playful they may try and get you wet. They love to be petted so don't be startled if they try and get super close to you."

She nodded and took a few steps toward the tanks. She gasped as two large manatees swam up to the edge of the tank. They are so beautiful She signed as she looked at Axel who smiled. Can I touch them now while you make their medicine please?

"Of course you can," Axel nodded, "They will actually love that."

She took a few more steps to the edge of the tank and Silas got closer to her, not really liking how close she was. "Be careful Angelos Mou," He warned, startling her since she was so entranced in watching the manatees, she didn't hear him approach behind her.

She lost her balance and fell into the tank. "Don't go in," Axel shook his head as he held Nathan back. "Look, everyone."

They watched as the manatees went back under water and got under Lynn as she swam to the top of the water. She came up couching but didn't see scared as she felt one of the manatees underneath her gently pushing her over to the edge of the tank. Silas and Nathan lifted her out of the tank and sat her on the floor. Once she was done coughing she rolled over to her stomach and kissed the manatee.

"She says thank you," Axel smiled to the manatee who nudged Lynn again making her smile.

"Are you okay Angelos Mou?" Silas asked worried, "I'm so sorry, I thought you heard me come over."

She turned her face to look at him but kept her hand out to pet the two manatees who were now taking turns getting her affection. She smiled up at Silas and nodded.

"How's your throat?" Sean asked in doctor mode.

It hurts from coughing but I don't want to leave yet, please Sean not yet, She pouted and he sighed.

"Okay," Sean gave in, "but we are going home once Axel is done giving everyone their medicines. You need to get in dry clothes so you don't get sick."

Okay, thank you Sean She beamed as Axel brought over a bucket of fish. Axel taught her how to feed the manatees then they went to visit the dolphins, sharks, whales, and turtles. They noticed she was having a blast visiting all the animals and so they made a note to do this more often. She didn't protest when it was time to leave and after they got to the house she took a shower and put on dry clothes then got in bed and fell asleep while watching a movie.

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