Chapter 7

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Lynn woke up and looked to her right, Jessica was fast asleep. She slipped out of the bed and after going to the bathroom she slipped downstairs to get something to drink. She realized it was four in the morning and she was wide awake. She needed to think, she had so much on her mind.

She slipped out onto the front porch and leaned against the railing. She sighed after a few minutes then turned to curl up in the rocking chair. She took a sip of her hot chocolate and tried to get control of all the what ifs running rampant in her head.

"Doll?" Axel asked as he suddenly appeared in the front lawn, "What are you doing out here at this hour?" he slowly came up on the porch and knelt in front of her.

"Too many thoughts," she mumbled as she looked down at her cup.

"Such as?" Axel asked and she shook her head. "Tell me, it might help you figure some things out or at least I can give you a different perspective. I'm a good listener if you just want to vent. Sometimes just putting them out in the wind helps carry them away."

"Is that some Native American advice?" She asked smiling softly. "Putting them out in the wind helps carry them away? It sounds like something a chief would say."

"Maybe," Axel smiled. "Now what's got your mind wide awake at this time?"

"What about you?" She asked curiously.

"I actually just came back from the aquarium; I was checking on one of our nurse sharks that has been sick. I was giving her some medicine and making sure she was doing okay. Then I was letting Max out so he didn't wake Kota," Axel explained as he sat in the rocking chair next to her. A few minutes later Max came barreling up on to the porch, tail wagging. He sniffed Lynn then raced back into the yard doing zoomies causing her to giggle softly. "Now what's on your mind Doll?"

"A lot," She sighed and Axel nodded. He scooted the chair closer and put his hand on her knee to lend her strength. "Mainly about Robert and what he said at the lunch." She grew quiet for a few minutes but Axel just waited. She took a breath and slowly let it out. "What am I going to do if he does as he threatens and refuses to sign the divorce papers? I am going to be stuck being forced to stay in the marriage? If I can't get out of the marriage I am going to have to be forced to go back with him and then what will happen to me? Well actually I know what will happen to me if I have to go back with him, more abuse and what if he actually goes too far the next time and I can't call Jess for help again? How will she survive if he does kill me? The guilt will consume her. How will all of you survive? What if he somehow manages to kidnap me, how will you find me? How would I even know how to manage to escape? What if I'm just overthinking everything? Who is this person that bailed him out? Robert lives paycheck to paycheck so there's no way he could afford bail. The friends he does have don't have that kind of money so where did this mysterious money come from and who would set him free knowing what he did to me? Why is he doing all this? He cheated on me repeatedly throughout our marriage so why won't he just leave me alone so he can go on sleeping around. What is he up to? What if he starts going after all of you? I don't think I could bear it if something happened to any of you because of me. What if he goes after Jessica to get to me? Would it be better if I just leave and somehow go into hiding? Would it just be better for me to go back to him? I just don't know..."

Axel squeezed her knee gently, "I can tell you right now that it would not be better for you to go back to him. It would very bad if you did, it would also upset us if you did. We don't want to think about what would happen if you did. Besides, honestly do you think North and Raven would just stand by and allow you to go with the asshole? We both know they would go berserk and tear that place apart looking for you. As for the whole who is posted bail for him, we are looking into it. It will take some time but we will figure it out. For the divorce situation," Axel sighed, "I don't know but I can guarantee that Blackbourne is already researching everything and planning different ways to get you out of it if the asshole does refuse to sign the papers. We will figure everything out, just have faith in us."

Lynn smiled, got up and curled up into his lap after putting her cup on the table. He wrapped his arms around her and slowly started rocking. "I do trust all of you," She said as she slowly started drifting back to sleep. "You are the best friends a girl could ask for."

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