Chapter 33

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"Is she okay?" Kota asked while they hung out in the living room. "She seems kind of distant since she visited Lily today."

North sighed and shook his head. "Right when I picked her up I heard Lily tell her something."

"What?" Victor asked.

"Well first they were talking about Lily thought her men were just teddy bears then Baby signed that she thought it was funny people are scared of me, Silas, Crow, and Nathan because she thought we were teddy bears also," North explained.

"That's because she knows you," Jess shrugged, "You are big old softies when it comes to her and me. Anyone that doesn't know you would think you are scary. Lynn and I know better."

"Anyway," North rolled his eyes while Raven frowned but nodded. "I told her I wasn't a teddy bear but she signed that I was to her so I agreed."

"See?" Jess smirked then stuck her tongue out at him when he glared at her causing him to roll his eyes.

"Anyway, while she was hugging Lily goodbye Lily whispered to her that we are wrapped around her finger. When she left to hug the guys I questioned Lily about it and she said that if she waited for Baby to realize it then she would never get any grandbabies."

"She tell truth," Raven shrugged. "I belong Kitten."

"Just face it," Jess shrugged without looking up from her laptop, "all of you are wrapped around Lynn's finger and heart, you would do anything for her, even be a teddy bear."

"Knock it off," North growled and she giggled.

"So you are telling me you wouldn't be a softie to Lynn if it meant making her smile?" Jess asked finally looking up into his dark eyes.

"You already know I would and have," He glared as he crossed his arms.

"Therefor," She pointed a finger at him, "Scary to others but teddy bear softie to her. Any who," She sighed, "Lily probably just admitted the truth to Sis and now she is trying to come to terms with it. We already know she has depression and anxiety so she is probably feeling confused about what she is feeling. She probably doesn't feel worthy of your love while also wanting to keep feeling it."

"So what do we do?" Luke asked and Jess rolled her eyes.

"Keep showing her your affection and love of course," Jess shrugged. "Keep showing her that her past doesn't affect you one bit in caring and loving her. As stubborn as all of you, eventually you will help her overcome her fears and worries."

Just then all their phones went off with a text from Lynn that dinner was ready. "Oh this smells great!" Nathan smiled, "Thanks Peanut," he held his arms open and she slowly came over to him then hugged him. He tightened his grip then released her when he felt her start to pull away.

"I love your chicken alfredo Cupcake," Luke smiled as he sat down, "even if it does have carrots, peas, and broccoli in it." Lynn rolled her eyes but smiled and ruffled his hair then pointed at his plate. "I'll eat the vegetables only because you make it not yucky when you make this."

"It's healthy for you," North said and Luke rolled his eyes but nodded.

"I'll eat it only because Cupcake made it," Luke said and she smiled.

"You sound just like a damn child Luke," Gabe chuckled as he helped make everyone's drinks.

"So?" Luke asked and Lynn tapped him on the shoulder, "Yes Cupcake?" She pointed to his plate and he nodded and started eating.

"Come eat Darling," Owen said while pointing to the empty chair next to him. "We can get whatever else we need, although it looks like you have taken care of everything.

She sat down and just as she picked up her fork the oven beeped. She sat it down but Marc rose, "Eat Beautiful, I'll get it." He went into the kitchen and came out with another bowl of garlic knot bread. "I love these, thank you for getting them. I place the last four bags in the oven and will get them when they are done. You deserve to rest after making all this for us."

"Would you like a bubble bath after dinner to help you relax Trouble?" Gabe asked and she timidly nodded. "Great, I'll start you one once you are done eating."

"Here's your tea Doll," Axel said setting her cup down in front of her. She smiled thankfully up at him and he smiled down at her then went back to his chair.

After dinner she went and took her bath and once she was done she felt calmer. She headed to the library and grabbed a collection of Edgar Allen Poe's works. Just as she was leaving the library Kota was walking in. "Hey Ten," he smiled, "what book do you have?" She held up the book and he beamed, "Oh, I love that one, would you like for me to read to you?" She beamed and shyly nodded. "Great, come on," he held his hand out and she carefully placed it in his hand. He lead her back to his room and sat on his bed, she sat next to him and he opened the book. "Any particular story you would like to start off with first?" He asked and she pointed to Annabel Lee. "It was many and many a year ago..."

By the time he was done reading the poem he glanced down and smiled, she was asleep with her head on his shoulder. "Here I will help you," Brandon whispered as he came into the room. He helped gently shift her so she was laying down. Kota covered her up and gently kissed the top of her head then laid down with her while Brandon got ready for bed then got in bed with Kota and Lynn.

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