53 - Epilogue

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Clara Pov

(Six months later)

"Aaron put Harry down, you can't carry him", said Clara rushing to take Harry from Aaron.

"Not fair" said Aaron stamping his feet end folding his hand at the same time.

"Daddy mama not fair" he complained.

Kelvin raised his eyebrow at Clara she just shrugged.

"What happened buddy"

"Mama don't want me to carwy hawy"

"Mama is being naughty right"


"Do you smell that?" asked Kelvin.

"I do is that....."

"The Chicken!"

They both said, looking at each other eyes wide.Clara placed a sleeping Harry into the cot, then rushed to the oven.

"It's bunt!"

"No it's not"

"Kelvin you didn't set the timer!"

"I did didn't I? "

"You didn't"

"Ermmm, so can we still eat it? "

She rolled her eyes before taking a slice of the chicken.


"We can still eat it, see, I heard burnt food taste great." he said snatching the piece of chicken from her.

"Give it back"

"No, oh shoot it almost five"

"Go, prepare the table I will ready the kids and the chicken, the unburnt part of cause."


They spent almost an hour preparing the house for the arrival of their families.

"All set love, you look beautiful"

"Yeah, thank you, oh they are here" Clara kisssed him before going to welcome her parents.


Looking at the table she smiled at the people present. Kelvin's mum had finally accepted her into the family. She found out the reason for the dislike was because of a traumatic incident that happened. They were good now each spoiling the kids. The last time she had to stop Kelvin's dad from buying Kelvin his own car plus a driver.

"The meal was great dear" her mum praised her.

"Thank you"

"Told you burnt food taste great"

"Will you love birds stop it" said James.

"I didn't ask you to cut you honeymoon short"

"Sometimes you make me regret making you my best friend"

"Boys, enough today is for us to celebrate life and being grateful." Said li.

"Cheers to life" his dad said.

"And handsome grandchildren"

"Mama" Kelvin groaned.

"What? not my fault your kids are adorable and am still young to carry more." she mumbled the last part earning a chuckle from everyone.

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