43- Getting Aaron

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Clara pov

"You know if you tell us the reason for us being her, it would save the floor" she stopped her pacing and glared at Jess. The team was her Jessica the computer guru, Alicia, Ahmed police officer and Felix the charmer.

"Look I have my day off and I intend to spend it with my family would you stop pacing" Ahmed said, she simply scoffed and continued. They didn't understand what she was about to ask them could be the end of her life or Aaron's now when has another one to think of.

"Why are you drinking ginger tea?" Leave Alicia to be observant.

"Because I feel for it"

"Really? she asked not accepting the reply.

"Linda used to drink it a lot when she was pregnant with our first born" Ahmed said.

"Because it good for morning sickness" Jessica said, looking at themselves the gasp coming to conclusions.

"What?" She snapped at them.

"Nothing" they said.

"Ermmm, Clara do you.. erm you know"

"Felix spit it out"

" What he is trying to ask is are you pregnant?"

That stopped her pacing, she looked at them hoping they were joking but they weren't.

"Yes I am, how did you figure it out"

"One you are being snappy" Jessica said.

"Two, you drank ginger tea when you were pregnant with Aaron, you never took it again."

"Well done Einsteins I am, but don't tell anyone yet alright"

They nodded in agreement confuse as to why the secrecy.

"The reason why I called for this meeting is to get back my son back"

"What happened to him? " Jessica asked. She took a deep breath then told them everything about her meeting with Kelvin, how she met Sarah and the calls she had been getting. When she was done she had used a box full of tissue.

"Wow, all that happened to you, so this baby is for Kelvin?"


It made her cry harder. " for give me am not this emoti..."

"Shhh, it's okay no one is blaming you. You have been through alot and you aren't broken nor emotional, we understand" Alicia spoke rubbing her back.

"Thank you, now let get on course"

" Of course, how dare that evil woman make my best friend cry" Alicia said.

"And my god son" Ahmed said.

"When we're you the god father I am" Felix argued.

"Will you both stop it! Clara your phone, Ahmed inform your office on this. Felix you will be the look out" Jessica ordered.

"What about me?"

"You wait"

" Why"

"Because you are the bait"

"Alicia you can't be in on this too" she pouted.

" I am and no tears will get me to change my heart so suck it up"

She huffed at Alicia's response and continued pacing, when her phone started ringing"

"Pick it up" Jessica shouted"

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