49 - Mood swings

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Clara Pov

The doctor checked on her, she was healthy so was the babies.

"We would have to observe you for a day after that you can go home" the doctor said jotting some notes, Kelvin went with him when he was through.

"I.. It...oh my gosh it was a dream, cause I am still pregnant." she smiled looking at her bump that was visible now.

"You scared me love"

She raised her eyebrow at him, since when did he call her that?
The last time she checked he was married.

"Can you hear me say something" he pleaded, but she wasn't in the mood she closed her eyes wanting to come back to reality.

The doctor checked on her but she wasn't paying attention to what he was doing Unyill he told her.

"You are alright and so are the babies"

What! wait so i am still pregnant.

"Oh my gosh I am still pregnant!" she said out loud, earning a chuckle from the doctor.

"I will recommend some vitamins to take and please avoid any form of stress. If you should be stressed again I would recommend bed rest for the next four months.

Her eyes almost bulged at the thought of being on bed all day. She Rochester her round bump, smiling at being a mother this time for two.
She prayed he wouldn't leave her again, she didn't trust her heart could take more.

"You didn't want to be pregnant when you wake up huh" she looked at her side to see Kelvin. He looked great in plain T-shirt, with even more defined muscles. So he decided to look all good and in shape while she was getting fat!, how could he.

"Stop it"


"Woah what got you angry?"



"Yes, you looking sexy and in shape, am not saying you never where but come one. How could you be hitting the gym and while I 'slept'and became big. That's not.... "

"I always knew the best way to shut your ranting"

"Who gave you permission to kiss, you..you edible hunk I feel like... " She clasp her hand around her mouth. Gosh now she has no filter talking without thinking.

"An sorry" He pleaded.

"Sorry, you think I would take that grumpy apology. Let me tell you, if you have to grovel your feet on the floor to accept I wouldn't have even accepted."

"That why I didn't"

"You son of a.... " She was stopped by him kissing her again.

"You... cannot be doing..that" she said.

"If you keep ranting but you look cute though"

"Whatever, why are you here? "

"To see my wife and unborn babies"

Her mouth hung open by his reply was he serious or jokingv she watch him get comfortable on her bed.

"What do you mean by wife"

He took a deep breath before replying "I know what I said to you was cruel and stupid. I wanted you but was confused why, after you left I didn't feel the same. Slowly I began to remember my past of you and our son."

"Our son?" she asked thinking if she had one.


"Our son, oh gosh Aaron" she said now, the events flashing before her eyes.

"Thank you for giving him the name"

"I had to do it in honour of you, I totally forgot my son gosh. Am a bad mother, I didn't remember him since I woke up. I don't even know if he is alive am a horrible mother. "

"shh, you are not okay. You have been through too much, don't be hard on yourself."

"Okay, but I think I dreamt about hearing him while I was in coma." she started sobbing, she knew she was over reacting but guess your hormones tend to escalate everything when you are pregnant.

"You didn't, I actually brought him here"

"My son is with you?"


"And you didn't deem it wise to tell me!. You made me cry my eyeball out." she yelled okay this was getting too much even for her.

"Sorry your highness I forgot, will you quit it if I get you some fries" he offered.

"No I want mushroom pizza with lots of pepper and chicken."

"You sure about it"

"Yep as A B C, I use to crave worst things I was pregnant with Aaron" she said getting comfortable on the bed.

He was quiet after that, she looked at him to find him staring at the window.


"Erm sorry I will go get it"

"No, not after you tell me what's on your mind"


She wacked his head after that. "Ouch, what was it for"

"For lying"

He was silent again looking everywhere but her. She could see he regreted he was punishing himself for what he has no control over.

"Stop it, am glad you remembered everything at the end, don't beat yourself up. You can be part of his life now and this little ones, okay I love you don't ever forget"

"Thank you, I needed to hear that"

He said hugging her.

"But I do have a feeling you knock me up on purpose am I right?" she asked.

"I need to go buy the things"

She gasped " You did!"

"Maybe, now don't stress yourself. Get some rest Aaron will see you tomorrow morning. I am going to buy your craves, any other thing? He asked.

"Yes, I also want peanut butter"

"My goodness, I shouldn't have asked" he pecked her on her lips before leaving.

She felt con tempt, seeing her phone on the nigh g Stan she began to browse to her social handle. The door opened thinking it was Kelvin she didn't lay much attention Untill.

"Hello darling" the person said.

The voice brought cold shiver down her spine, not the good one not the one that made your hair rise and your feet to run. She looked up to see the person, quickly she hid her phone.

"I wasn't expecting to find you pregnant guess am lucky after all"

While the person spoke she silence her phone, on her location and sent an emergency text to Jessica."

"What do you want?"

"You and the babies, but first you need to sleep" before she could think she felt something prick her.

"She prayed Kelvin or Jessica will come save her fast.


Another update.

I know I said we had two chapters to the end, but I guess some character in the book don't agree. 🤦 and I thought I was the one calling the shots here 🙄.

Sorry I haven't being updating regular, have caught being tired mentally. I didn't want to just write anything for you guys.
So I had to wait till I was free to update.

Hope you liked it.

Please don't forget to vote and comment.

Thank you!!

Till next update 😄😄

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