47 - Grand Parents

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Kelvin POV

One whole month without her, he didn't know which was better being ignorant of her or remembering her. Surely ignorance is bliss, he never remembered her yet she was by him, encouraging and dealing with him. Now he needed her to quench his ranging demons, he kissed her cold forehead praying she responds.

Exiting the hospital he called his driver to bring his son, its time he showed the world his family especially his parents. With that he left the hospital smiling with the thought of being a father.


"Daddy where are we going to?"

"To see my parents your grand parents" he said roughing his hair, earning a laugh from him.

"Are they nice?"

He looked at him, surely he had underestimated his son's intelligence " They are" at least your grand father would love you he replied leaving the that part out.

" We are here boss"

"Good, take Aaron to the park or play ground, i would call you when i want him"

"Okay boss"

"Take good care of him."

"Sure thing boss"

" Great, hey buddy Chris here would take you to the park, be a good boy for me okay "

" Okay dad, love you"

"Love you" He said leaving the car.


"What is it?"

" Mu..mummy always kiss my forehead when she is leaving and i give a peg, ca..." he didn't let him finish talking, he could tell he missed his mum, so does him.

"I love you teddy bear you are the best son ever and mummy is proud of you" He whispered to him, that brought a dazzling smile to his baby face.

"Me too, when can i see mummy?"

That question broke him, he didn't have the answer he felt helpless once in his life he felt like crying, but for the sake of his little man he would try to be strong.

" I don't know buddy but i know it would be soon"

" Okay"

He said his final good bye then exited the car, taking a deep breath before he opened the door.

"Welcome dear how are you holding up?" He was questioned by his mother, confused he asked.

"What is going on?"

"Son, your mother got the information that Sarah has been kidnapped, she has been worried ever since." His father explained.

"Good luck with finding her" he commented, that got his mother attention.

"What do you mean by that Kelvin?"

" I mean what i said, did you know i never liked her much less marry her?"

"No i didn't, she told me you guys married in secret and that good for nothing wanted to take you away from her"

"I think i forgot to sign some documents in my study i will be right back" His father said leaving the room before any suggestion could be said.

" I never married her ma, I married Clara instead not her"

"What! you married that that..."

"Ma, i would no let you call my wife and mother of my children names!"

"Wife? moth..mother of your kids? how could you do that to me. You know i don't like people like her!" She cried.

"I know ma, but the heart want what it wants ma. I have done everything you wanted of me Ma, just once i chose what i want please understand."

"I know you can't tame the heart but, but Sarah was a good choice"

"Yes for you but not from me, Ma Clara is the best ting to have ever happened to me. She brings the best in me Ma, but now, am broken" He finally let it out sobbing on her lap.

"What happened?"

He relayed everything about the kidnapping to her, " she dare touch my grandchild she is so dead"

He smiled at the statement his mother had come to terms with it " I don't know if ..if she would.."

"Shhhhh, don't say that from the way you spoke of her, the spark in your eyes i know you truly love her. Nothing gets you going from tougher situations than the knowledge of being love unconditionally."

"Thank you Ma, i really needed to hear it from you"

"Am sorry for being a jerk too, that too, to my favorite son"

"Am your only child"

"And i don't regret it, so where is my grandson" She asked excited.

"Did someone say grand son?" his father asked.

"Yes Rolland we are grand parents can you believe it."

"Yes i do"

"Bring him" She said again.

"Erm, i have another thing to say"

"Go on say it boy" his father said.

"Erm, Clara is pregnant with twins"

"Oh my goodness" She said falling on the couch.

"Boy that the best news ever"

"Daddy!" Aaron screamed running to him.

"Mum, Dad this is Aaron, Aaron this are your grand parents i told you about"

" He looks exactly like you when you where his age" his father said.

"I can't believe am saying this but you guys make cute babies, i want a girl next time"

He rolled his eyes at her comment, content that they especially his mother has accepted Clara as his wife.


Sorry for the late update my phone got spoilt, currently using a computer.

Who knew bad boy Kelvin was a mama's boy😁

Till next update😄😄

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