31- Unexpected guest

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Clara pov

"Good things never last" She huffed at the thought again looking at the windows. Imagining the lives of those on the ground if anyone had a complicated life as her.

"Clara, am really sorry, promise will make it up to you"

He said pecking her on her lips. "I didn't plan it at all, something happened to at the other branch. If I can solve it fast you choose our next location"

That brought a smile to her face.She looked at him, one hand was joined with her and the other was typing on his phone.


She had dressed up, waiting for him. He didn't show up when it was seven neither at nine. She began to panic, his line was busy too. A lot of thoughts went through her mind. He finally arrived at eleven still in his work suit.

"What happened" She asked.

"One of our partners is pulling out because of some misunderstanding with the manager. I have to go settle it"

"Was that why you were late"

"Yes I thought I could handle form here but he was not having it. Am really sorry I missed the dinner"

She looked at his tired figure, she could hear the sincerity in his voice"

"We could do it tomorrow or the next"

"Well, that's another thing, we have to leave by 6:00 am tomorrow. I will be there to settle it"

"Oh okay"

That is why she was on the jet back to work, apparently he wouldn't need her so she has a lot to herself.
She really wanted to know what they were and if there was a chance.

"Kelvin" she whispered half hoping he won't hear.


"What are we?"

"I knew you would ask soon, honestly I don't know. It feels right to be with you. Let's take it a step at a time, when I come back we can talk about it"


"Thank you" he said kissing their joint hand. It helps her forget her anxiety.


She was at home alone, thinking about the past six months.

"I see you are the one" she turned to look at the voice that frightened her. A glance at her and you will know she was one to mess with, she looked familiar thought.

"Excuse me, how did you get in?"

"I have the keys, and Kelvin is my son"

It all made sense to her, the hair, cheek bone and her eyes. If he was a girl he could pass as her twin.

"Oh, Ermmm, welcome"

"Believe me I've welcomed myself already. I see what you doing taking advantage of my son"

"Excuse me"

"Oh hush it, I know your type, always looking like the victim. I bet you are a single mum"

She asked pouring herself wine, she looked at Clara expecting a reply.

"I take your silence as yes, my son being the softy he is took you as his what?"

"He didn't take pity on me, I earned the job"

"Of course darling, sleeping around in your dictionary is how you earn things. Walking about in his shirt, good heavens have some decency will you"

"How dare her imply she was a... " she stopped that train of thought, she knew it was true but it still hurt. How someone can hate you for no reason was beyond her.

"I will not let myself be insulted by you, if you are here to see him, he is not at home"

"Such insolence, and you think I will allow him to taint my blood line with your dark coloured skin."

That ticked her, she wasn't hoping to meet her this way, she had so much expectation from her.

"With all due respect ma'am, you are not your son, and if I will be marrying it won't be you. He is a man of his own, and people of my complexion are human beings just like you and they have feelings. Now if you are through you can go there way you came. I have something better to do, excuse me" she said with her head held high.

"You.... you... you will pay for this, this is not over" she screamed, throwing the glass on the floor.

"What a drama queen" she looked at the spilled wine and broken glass, on the white rug.

"She couldn't have thrown it on the wall or something" She thought, she had a lot to prove to people since she was little. It wasn't her fault that she was African. Lord knows how many times she had prayed to magically become a white, so the picking on her would end.

She didn't get it though, why one think they are better than the other when they are the same. She took the broom to sweep the glass.

Kelvin will be back soon, " What happened?" he rushed to her side checking for injuries.

"I saw red on the floor I ..i thought something happened to you"

He said hugging her "are you alright?"


She was fine physically but mentally she was nothing but alright, facing a woman like that tests your confidence.

"Are you sure, look at me and tell me, you are okay and I will let it be"

Should she tell or keep "Am not okay, your mum came by"


She was already crying in his shoulders, "she said a lot of aweful things about me, I know now she really hates me"

"No she doesn't, she is a drama queen but she can't hate you. Maybe there was a mix up"

There it was the believe, how would she tell him the truth, she really dislike her and would not want to breathe the same hair as her.

"But sh...she called me names"

"Am sorry, my mum has problem accepting things that doesn't go her way. She will come around, what do you say to cholate and a movie"

"For me or both of us"

"For sweet cheeks I will stickbyo coffee or tea never chocolate again".

"Good let choose a movie then.

Sorry guys for the long wait, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Please vote, comment and don't forget to share.

I now not all "white" people are like this, my apologies if you seem offended.

Till next update 😄😄

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