9- The Plan

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This chapter is dedicated @sushan456. Thank you :)

It was really happening, after two years she was going to see the man, she thought was dead. She was nervous and excited.

"Relax Clara, you know him" James said unbuckling his seat belt. They where in Kelvins private jet, he was rich and she never enjoyed the wealth till today.

"I did know him,  what if he has changed,  am not complaining but he was to be dead and now his living it's not something  I can  take without reacting." She said tapping her feet.

"True,  but please stop it you will dig a whole which will cause our death because we are thousands of feet in the air. Care for some snacks?" He said bringing a tray with different cupcake.

"No,  I can stomach anything, but I do have a question"

"Ask away"

"How come you are flying in his private jet?"

"Am his partner and best friend, I got the right to travel in style."


"No, just kidding, I brought the jet because of you."


"If we should fly a commercial plane, he would know of your arrival before you get there. Questions will be asked and perhaps you might end up being my girlfriend in those rumors"
He couldn't help but chuckle after saying the last part.


"Yeah, I need to take my power nap. Please don't dig a hole yet, I got plans to fulfill can't die on them" with that said he whistled to his cabin.

She didn't believe him when he told her they would be traveling the next day. Her mind travelled to Aaron, she missed him badly.  It took everything in her not to bring him, he would do good with his her parents. Life definitely was full of surprises, if anything the meeting went well.

Flash back

"Ever the beautiful lady" James got up to welcome her, giving her side kisses. 
The restaurant beautiful, with art work of known artist hug on the wall, the chandelier hug above rich mahogany tables covered in the most expensive table clothe.
The designer didn't spear money in decorating the place.Hence a place for the rich, famous celebrities and any body at the top ladder.

"You are not bad yourself" she replied getting herself settled.

"Wine or food"

"Wine please"

He waved his hand beckoning a waiter at the corner of the VIP section they were.

"You finest wine please"

"I was planning on contacting you before your call" He paused allowing the waiter to set the wine glasses down and left.

"Great minds think alike" She said twirling the wine.

"For once we are on the same page, you called regarding Kelvin right"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Since I met you at Lily's place,  I placed the dots together. Am glad he married you" he said smiling at her. If she hadn't swallowed the wine in her mouth, she would have choked on it.

"How did you know?"

"As Kelvin best friend, he tells me everything. Everything except you, he was determined to keep you a secret till he sorted things with his parents. Which he planning to do before he "died". When I heard if his accident I was devastated, I don't know how he got to Green land.
But doctors said he might not make it. A year later he woke up,  only to forget his name and everything.
It was hard visiting him at a stranger, we have to rebound. He was a mess, but slowly he progressed. Then a year later, calls me and tell him his entire life story, but there was gap"

"The memories of where he was for the past five years"

"I take it that you read about him, he couldn't remember leaving the country. He tried but couldn't, he ran into crisis"

"Why did he run into crisis."

"Interested in food now?" He asked, it was too early to consume much wine.

"No am good" he shook her head.

"Then let's continue this in the garden"

"They have a garden we could go to? "

"No, but as the owner sure I can go whereever I please."

"You own this hotel? "

"Yes, you should see the one Kelvin built this does not come close" he said linking Their arm as they walked out to the garden.

"He never told me, Kelvin never liked flaunting his wealth."
They got to the garden, it was a small garden with flowers around it had a bench under an apple tree.

"Back to my story,  I decided to investigate further. I wanted to tell him, but I needed evidence to convince him. That was how I found out about you and your son, and understood why he kept you hidden. No offense."

"Non taken, why"

"hmm, how do I put it,  Kelvin mum, has a thing against blacks. She never want to have anything to do with them. And seeing you are one my guess was Kelvin need to plan well before he introduced you to her. "

"Wow, poor Kelvin, did you ever tell him he was married."

"I did and it didn't end well"

"What happened? "

"I got punched on the face,  he never believed me. That is why I need you. He is over working himself, he try to hide it but he feels helpless of not remembering everything. Some times he remembers but it fades."

"How can I help, cause I called you for the same reason"

"Which is? "

"To get closer to him,  perhaps he might remember."

"Great, we are on the same page.  I will introduce you to him as his PA,  you will do his stuff, like cooking,  answering calls. In short you will be his PA and cook. hopefully he will remember if he sees you more often."
End of flashback.

That's how she got into the jet,  she had less than an hour to meet her Kelvin. She was uncertain how she would react,  hopefully she doesn't faint.

There you have it another update.

Finally they get to meet each other. 😀

Maybe he will remember when he sees her or 🤔

Sorry if you see gaps between the stories have tried to fix it but couldn't 😏

Please don't forget to vote and leave your comments. It means alot.

Till next update 😄😄

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