50 - Kidnapped

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Kelvin POV

He felt a chill, something was wrong. He couldn't place a finger on the reason but he knew something was up. Picking up his speed he rushed to her room.

"Clara ho...." he looked at the room she wasn't there, dropping the food on the floor he checked the bathroom. He checked mentally if she had any appointments but he came out empty.

"Where could she be?"

He looked at the bed it was rough, she saw one pair of her slippers. Something was wrong, he thought of where she could be or..

"Sarah, but I warned oh she didn't.. "
Picking up his phone he called the body guard he sent to keep an eye on her.

"Where is she?" he asked no time for formalities.

"She is at the warehouse we met her that day and..."

"And?" he questioned fearing what his gut told him.

"She is with someone"

"Idiot that someone is my wife! go get her before I get there" he left the hospital to the warehouse not caring about any speed limit.
He got there in no time but couldn't find Clara. Matching straight to the guard he asked.

"Where is she?"

"She isn't here boss"

"What. Did. You. Just. Say"


"Stop your incompetent blabbing and go find"

He was furious, passing his hand through his already disheveled hair. He took a calm breath,

"Anger won't get her to me I need to think, where could she be" He thought sliently.

"A-ha, the CCTV cameras at the hospital why didn't I think about it"

Getting into the car he drove for the hospital again, this time he took his time, thinking of people who would mean to hurt him.

"Sir you can't see the... " he didn't wait for her finish before entering the MD office.


"Get me the footage for the last six hours"

"For what"

"Do you know my wife is missing and she was at this hospital? "

"My apologies"

"Keep it, get me footages"

In a minute the footage was being played. He watched it carefully for any detail, but the tape went blank for few minutes before it was turned on.

"This is strage" said the director.

"Indeed even an odor will know they got help from an insider."

"How do you know it was a they?"

"Am not stupid, call the police and report it, let me have a look at the footage again"

He played it pausing everytime Unyill he found something on the floor in front of the door. He silently left the confused director and his team to the door.

Fortunately he found the shinny thing, it was a Rolex watch. He took a handkerchief from his pocket picked it up and flipped it. He saw the initial B. H. He knew who it was,  there was only one person who wrote their initials with golden ink.
He smiled looking at the watch, tucking it in his pocket he knew the police could never get him. But he could, and he would be dammed if he didn't confess his crime.

He saw the police at the entrance, walking backwards he left the building. He took deep breath, he didn't want the world to get a wrong impression of him. So he decided he would be gentle when the world is watching, only letting his monster out when they are asleep.

He smirked looking at the building, Hayford Corporations. He entered smiling at the secretary, so far he was calm too calm for his liking.

"Excuse me do you have an appointment"

He stopped at the voice that brought him to reality.


"But, I can't find hold on let me check"

"It's not there"

"Excuse me"

"Of course you are, am going in"

He left her gapping her mouth, he entered to see the the culprit. Typing like he hadn't done anything.

"I didn't take you as a gay, when did you become one. I know am handsome but that's for the ladies to drone over not you"

He smiled at him, so he wants to play games, fine.

"I know we have been rivals for long but I didn't peck you as the type that stoop low"

"What do you mean?"

"My wife Clara, you helped Sarah drug her and kidnap her from the hospital. Where. Is. She?"

He saw him gulp in fear before masking it, he knew Brad was guilty.

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"Are you sure? "

"Yes,  now get out"

"A little birdy told me your brother's wife just gave birth right?"

"Don't you dare Kelvin"

"Don't worry I wouldn't do anything after all you are innocent"

"Kelvin am serious I am"

"Take a look at this" he said showing him a picture if his sister in-law at the hospital bed with her baby.

"What is this?"

"Are you suddenly blind?,well let me tell you. "

"I know okay"

"Good, I hope you know that the red mark there is a laser,i say a word and the sniper will kill her"

"You wouldn't, this isn't you"

"This is me, well time will tell after all you are innocent."

"Wait, she will be heading to a cottage at the south of the city."

"it wasn't bad now,  send me the exact location mind you if it is wrong. You will contend with me." he said walking out of the firm, he picked his phone.


"Son are you alright"

"Yes,  come to the hospital now please" sighing he knew that everyone was aware of what had happened.

"Oh my boy" he was engulfed ithe moment he stepped into the waiting room. He saw Clara's friends, and a puffy eyes Hannah.

"Am sorry I didn't tell you all early I..  I.. "

"Shhh,  it's okay we will find her" Hannah said.

"I hope we do,  I can't leave without her" he cried into her shoulders, she was like a second mother to him. Reality came crushing down on him, his love and unborn children was taken from him again, first it was his memory and now they took her.  He would not forgive Sarah this time he promised himself.


So sorry for the update, I have been really busy.

I hope you like this chapter.

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Thank you for sticking with me.

Till next update 😄😄

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