8 - Determined

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It was settled, she had arrived with the first flight back home. She missed Aaron already, his laughter was adorable.

"Mama!"He screamed running as fast as his legs could take him.

She bent to his level with arms open wide, they hugged forgetting everything around them.

"Yeah, I don't deserve a hug cause am allergic to them. So I wouldn't get angry if he hugs you all day."

"Oh, Li come for a hug I can't forget you" she said opening one arm, Aaron was on the other.

"Nope, am good don't need it"

"Come on, you know you want it, warm hugs are the best, little step at a time."

Clara was grateful she had a friend like Li, who would move heaven and earth just for her.

"Can't breath"


"We are going to Uncle Ben ice-cream shop"

"Really, can I order any type of ice-cream I want?. Aaron asked, thinking of the flavors he hadn't tried.

"Yes, but not much wouldn't want you hyper now would we" She said tickling his sides.

"N.. no ma..haha mama" he said laughing hysterically.

"Good, am sure Elizabeth would be there, so you could play"

They walked to her car, Aaron was placed in his seat with his seat belt in place. The drive was only thirty minutes. The silence was comfortable each in their own world, the radio filled the silence.

"Is that little Aaron"Ben asked. He was in his late forties, with a little pot belly. He had a kind smile.

"Am not little uncle Ben" Aaron replied, while been assistedout of the car by his mother.

"Really and how old are you?"

He raised his five fingers, saying he was two. Everyone laughed at his gesture, but he wasn't bothered.

"Right, to what do I owe this visit" He asked, leading them to their favorite booth at the far corner.

"Nothing, I crave some ice-cream and Aaron been bugging me about Elizabeth."

"Really" he said looking at the little guy with amusement.

"Uncle Ben, mama said I can take any flavor I want. Can I try the chochlat please." He said giving him puppy eyes.

"It chocolate my buy, come Elizabeth is at the back, let's go say hi."

"What flavor would you like ladies" He said as an after thought. The shop was not busy, summer had just started. The place wasn't called Sun city for nothing.

"Our usual" Alicia replied.

"Damn, that guy is gorgeous, his tan the right place. Oh my gosh is he coming here." she said picking the Menu pretending to read.

"No he is not, I think he is here with his girlfriend, you stop reading an upside down menu"

"Can't believe he is taken" I think I need a little sun"

"I wish I uas your color, I wouldn't think of sunbathing. Isn't there a cream I could use"

"Stop, you are beautiful just the way you are. See you've got big brown eyes on you small narrow nose. Thick brunette hair, and your baby face, don't get me on your body"

"Enough, someone would think you checking me out" she said, taking a scoop on her ice cream.

"It's true, look at my curly hair, can't count how many combs have broken."

"Yeah, says the person whose hair defies gravity." they both laughed.

"At the right time, you will meet him"

"I hope it will be soon like Kelvin and you"

"Yes" she began scooping her melting ice-cream.

"Speaking of him what are you planning?"

"I don't know, have been asking myself that since I arrived but I up blank"

"Don't stress, you will come up with something, you always do"


"It must be hard on him, since he is the number one bachelor he would have ladies coming after him. All have a chance even the rejected ones"

"That's it, you are a genius"

"Of course I am, I knew what I was saying. What actually did I say right"

"All have a chance now"


"I can get a chance to talk with him, maybe when he sees me he will remember."

Ideas were forming in her head, she needed to get to him without suspicion.

"And how do you plan on getting your chance"

"I know the right person"


"What is it with questions from you today?" she asked checking her contact list.

"Curiosity my dear friend, so who are you calling?"

"James Rogers"

"The James, like the obsessed James, him?"

"Yes, and he is over me"

"Glad to hear, cause if he tries anything funny am kicking his ass." She huffed.

"Hi, James it's me Clara. Yes, I still have your contact. Erm can we meet, I need your help. Sure tomorrow at Plaza hotle the restaurant, mhm okay. Thank you." She finished the call smiling.

"How does he come into this."

"He is Kelvin's best friend, if there is someone K would believe it will be James"

"If you say so, I need to try the new flavor Ben created"

"Please, hope you haven't taught Aaron to have a sweet tooth" she said.

"Nope, we never came here when went on your trip, neither did we go on marathon ice cream" she said covering her mouth realising her slip.

Alicia Mary White, Please don't tell me you actually did that? "
Clara was upset and Alicia knew it, it wasn't her fault he was adorable and polite. How could she refuse his request, besides she was his godmother.

"No, the last part was an exaggeration. We only have three different flavors"

"I swear" she lifted her hands in surrender.

"Hmm, I know you are doing your best. But he is a child too much sugar isn't good for him." She tried to reason with her.

"I know, an I forgiven?" she asked nervously.

"I could never be angry with you. Let go see what Aaron has been doing."She said leaving the both with Alicia following behind.
She was determined to spend as much time with her son before she leaves again. She would be damned if he spent all day playing without her being involved.

Tomorrow was the meeting, she hoped it turns out to her favour. She was going to claim her man, when she said "till death do us part." She meant it.


Another update.

Shout-out to all the friends that knows how to lift our spirit.

What do you think the meeting will be about?

Would like to read them at the comments section.

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It motivates me😁

Till next update dearies 😄😄

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