28 - Picnic

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Clara pov

Sitting by herself in the garden was Clara, this trip was unplanned by her. She would be missing Aaron's birthday, he would be three years. She would have go toy shopping for him. She made a mental note to do it. Yesterday was a surprise, Kelvin agreed to be friends and he wishes to be something more. If only he knew he was.

"Ma'am may i" she looked up to see Lucy.

"Yes, Lucy always formal"

"Sorry, but that's how it should be"

"If you insist, what brings you to me?"



"Well, I have a question"

"Okay shoot"

"Are things with Sir alright?"

"Why do you say so?"

" I heard the rumors about his memories, is it true"

"Yes, and how did you know about it"

"My godson works at the Knight corporations, he told us"

"Hmm, did he tell you too about me?"

"Yes he, did"

"What is your real question, cause you know alot"

"I know it is not my place to say"

"Don't say that Lucy, as I told you the last time you are like a mother to me"

"Thank you, sir is still in love with you. I see it in his eyes, he may not show it cause maybe he is confused. Have more patience with him, his heart knows you, but his mind doesn't. Giovanni told me how he was before you came to his office. You saved him before, I know you can do it again"

She flung her arms around her crying, she needed some encouragement. She was grateful to hear one.

"Shh, it's alright, what do you say we make him jealous."

Clara dabbed the tears from her cheek with the back of her hands.

"How and why"

"Goodness, I are the smart people the dumbest. If he is hiding his feelings it will definitely show up when he realizes he has competition."

"Oh, so how do I go about it"

"First we need a competitor, hmm, ah ha, Alfredo could pose as one"


Lucy rolled her eyes at her question" you both are here for a project isn't it"


"Good, I would make him meet you up when you go on site, leave the rest to me."

"You sure it will work? "

"Can't say for sure, don't you want your husband back"

"With all my heart"

"Then there is no harm in trying, I need to check on my bread, see you later"

Now she had someone to support, it feels nice not doing things on your own. She let slot slip yesterday, she forgot to act as though this was her first time. When actually it was her third time here.

They walked hand in hand in the garden.

"I love it here K, how long will we be here?" She asked plucking a daisy flower.

"A week dear, we would have to make the most of it"

"Your grapes are in trouble then"

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