5- Gut feeling

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(Kelvin POV)

"Why are we going? I should be at home it's my day off" James, huffed while driving.

"Keep driving and stop whining, I told you why we are going. So hush and drive why I stick with you is beyond me."

"Because you love me,  I got the looks and the brain. Two important qualities, you did be going bananas if you were alone."

"Cocky as always, look I don't know but I have a feeling I know her, you know." he said with a frown.

"Even you are not sure, have you remembered anything?"

"No, it's like instinct."

"Ermm..  you mean to tell me, you going there on instinct, and what will you do then.
Hello am Kelvin Knight, I came here because my gut told me so. Have we met before?"

"It sounds stupid when you say it like that. There will be a party in a month to celebrate my one year return to work."

"And.... are you married to your work? cause it sounds like an anniversary to me."

"What will you get me for our one year anniversary?"

"What do you want honey? "

While she thought about it, he couldn't help but get lost in a green eyes.  With the color of the forest, he was glad he has a life time to stare at them.

"I got it!" She shouted excitedly.


"I want the building at the center of the city."

"The abandoned building? "

"Yes,  we could have our office, my bakery and your restaurant."

"You got it all planned huh."


"Kelvin, hey man we're here, what happened you look pale."

"Nothing, am fine let go in."

He was married? to whom and if he was where was she? He hated suspense, but for the life of him he couldn't remember her face. Running his hand through his hair he came out and took a look at the building before him.

"Here goes nothing" he whispered.

"Good morning gorgeous, we have an appointment with Lilly." James spoke to the receptionist,  she immediately typed something before responding. He was glad James was doing the talking he was in shock. He walked like a robot behind James, his mind was far from his actions.

"Are you sure you up for this,  you have been awfully quiet."

"Am alright, just thinking."

"If you keep thinking every minute I swear you gonna look older than your father. I know it's hard, I can't imagine losing my memory but it's gonna be alright." The elevator opened, preventing him from replying. James was hardly serious, but when does he behaves matured.
Kelvin jogged to meet James, they  where heading for the door with the CEO on.

"Are you sure we aren't lost James." Kelvin asked.

"You put little faith in me man it hurts, see we are at the door." he said pointing to the black letters on the door.


"Should I come or I could wait for you at the receptionist"

"Yes you can,  you know there is a chair there where you could wait not the floor beneath with someone." He said knocking twice before he entered.

"Not fair, you mean." James muttered.

"Welcome Kelvin, it's been a while, have your seats." she gestured to the sofa she had at the center of the office.

"You know me? " He couldn't help but asked.

"Yes I do, and so does you" She replied, looking at the man that was broken and lost. Did he know that his wife was in the same building. If the rumors are true then it was complicated than she taught.

"Sorry, he suffered amnesia, he can't remember somethings." James spoke.

"So it is true then,  you don't remember your life at Sun city? "

She asked in hopes for him to remember.

"Am sorry, I don't"

"Well, let's put that aside how can Diva events help you? " She asked still studying James.

"I have an anniversary coming up I would love for you to organise everything."

"That's a piece of cake, consider it done I will email my questionnaire for you to feel"

While they spoke James excused himself, he had a receptionist to see. Furiously typing on his phone he bumped into someone, his reflex made him catch the person.

"Sorry, I didn't see you"
He looked up to see his dear friend Clara.



They spoke in unison.

"How are you? It's been ages!"

"Am fine, what are you doing here?"

"I came with a friend to see Lily and you? " He said looking at his former crush. She looked different in a good way.


They where cut by Clara's phone ringing.

"Got to pick it see you next time." She answered the call walking back to where she came.

"Who was that, and why are you smiling"  He said looking at the retreating figure of a lady,  he had the feeling he knew.

"You want to give me a heart attack!"

" Well that's how I feel when you sneak up on me like that  so..."

"So... what?"

"Don't play dumb answer my question"

"Am not obliged, but since you are curious she is Clara Hudson my ex crush."

"You had a crush, never thought I did hear you say that, all hot James"

He rolled his eyes in reply.

"Now stop staring"

"I can't help it,  her perfume smells familiar though. Do I know her? "

"Nope,  pretty sure you guys have never met. How did you sneak up on my like that?"

"A true Ninja never reveals his secret, let's go eat."

"Whatever jow did your meeting go?"

"Good,  except she kept stealing glances at me when she taught I wasn't looking. It kind of creeped me out"

"Guess your gut didn't tell you that huh, let go order some burger."

Kelvin looked back, to see if he would see the lady again, but she was gone. His gut told him he knew her, and her walking was familiar. He just hoped fate would make then cross paths someday.


They almost met 😬  he should have just called out to her 🤦

Finally he had started remembering.

Who knew James could be matured for once? 

Would fate listen to Kelvin payer. 

I have no idea. 🤷

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Till next update 😄


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