44 - Daddy!

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Kelvin POV

At last he could go back to Clara, after he had dealt with Sarah. Clinching his fist after remembering what his private investigator told him.

"What do you have for me" he asked Mark.

"A lot, I've got to warn you it isn't nice"

"How bad could it be?"

"I have to stay while you're listen"

"Damn" he gritted out, looking at the broken glass he wondered when he took hold of it. Getting up to clear the broken pieces, he regretted the words he said to Clara.

Taking out his phone he called one of his security guard "Peter, get me an update on Sarah"

"Boss things are not going as planned"

"What do your mean"

"Ermmm, she just kidnapped your son"


"Boss she.. "

"I heard you, follow her for now no harm should come to him"

Now he was pissed, how could she go to the extent of involving a child. He thought she was just jealous but now he knew without any doubt that she was mentally unstable. First she called Clara and threatened her now she kidnapped his son.
He called his pilot to ready the jet for him he will be going to Sun City. Taking a last glance at the room for any thing he might have left, he matched out to car ready to take him to the airport.


Coming back brought memories he thought he would never remember. Walking down the street a memory flashed his mind eyes.

It was warm outside, they decided to have a stroll on the busy streets if Sun city. Basking in the last rays of the sun as it set, leaving the streets with it's golden light.

"Babe, if the baby was a girl what would you name her." He asked.

"Jessica, and if he was a boy?" She asked, he watched her robbed her her baby bump.

"He will be called, Aaron, after my grandfather"

He smiled at the fact she never forgot. His legs led the way while his mind absorbed the several memories that came to him. Stopping at a building, he raised his head at the name of the building. THE KNIGHTS, he remembered getting the building for Clara where they Ranna restaurant. What happened to it, seeking to satisfy his curiosity he entered building. It was beautiful than what he remembered, it was like a dinner but an upgraded version. Sitting in one if the booth he found a menur on his table.

"Impressive" He whispered, opening the menu, he released it was categorized. A section for vegetarians, diabetic, weight loss and even a section for those who are allergic to chocolate.

"Wow, she did this all by herself"

"Excuse me good afternoon have you made your choice yet?" he looked at the waiter, this one a new employee.

"No, this is my first time here so.. "

"Ah, don't worry you came to the right place" he watch her sit opposite him.

"Won't you get into trouble?"

"No, I won't it part of our work here, if you are a single parent we have a daycare where you can leave your child, a playground upstairs too. If you want to learn about making delicious baked goodies you can enroll into our class. Then finally if you need to change your home or business interior decoration. Just contact or better still take the elevator to the fourth floor. "

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