34 - Broken beyond repair.

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Clara pov

What, maybe she didn't hear well. There was only one wife and that was her. Where did this Sahara come from?

"Surprise Clara?" She looked at the woman who was suppose to be her mother in-law, Juliet as she learned.

"You are his wife, when did it happen? "

"Now dear you are not the husband and it is definitely not your business, now we can eat." she said resuming her her eating.

Clara looked at the table, everyone was okay including Kelvin, she had suddenly later appetite.

"Excuse me, I need to leave" she tried her best to stay strong, a glance him and she could see the guilt.

"Wait" She heard Kelvn say.

"Son let her be"

That was it she couldn't take it again, taking her coat from the hanger, she opened the door only to feel the  the harsh wind on her face. Looking up the clouds held promise of rain. Just my luck maybe it was a good thing her tears would completely be disguised. The risk of hypothermia was small compared to the temperature of her heart.

Taking a deep breath she stepped out, walking briskly. The wind had picked up with the clouds becoming  darker.

"Clara come back!" She knew the voice but chose to ignore it.

"Stop damn it where do you think you are going" he had gotten to her and grabbed her hand.

"Far away from you and your family"

"Look am sorry,  let's go back inside"

"No can't do excuse me"

After a minute of him not bulging she walked round him.

"Come on Lara it's going to rain"

"Am counting on it"

"For the love of... " there was lighting before thunder. It was like a rehearsed act of calling the rain, the cloud let out it content.

"Come on I know a place we can talk"

She was reluctant but seeing that he was right plus she came here without money, it was the only choice so she followed him into his car.

The rain poured so hard she prayed they wouldn't skid out of the road. She watch him park into the garage, where could they be she hoped he didn't bring her back to his house.

"You can come down now we are at my place"

"You don't have this garage"

"Yeah this is my secret hidout, no one knows of this place except you now"

Anyother day she would have felt special but not today.

"I want to leave when the rain stop"

He opened his mouth but shook his head before replying "yes ma'am"

He led her inside the basement, it was huge, why would he build a basement. "Why did you build this underground?"

"Less suspicion and a good place to hide, like now"

The room was silent after that, each not sure how to approach the white elephant in the room. She decided to do it for both of them.

"You knew about Sarah" she decided to make it a statement.


Oh so he knew about her, did she even match his memories and he still went on with her.

"Since when? "

"After we came back"

"And you decided not to tell me but spring it up on me?"

"No, it's not like that.."

She raised her eyebrow at him not satisfied with his response. He sighed in frustration.

"I knew about her but it felt right to be with you,  she.. she is suppose to be my wife"

"Yeah and am suppose to be what...  the side chick,  the mistress." she said laughing but it didn't reach her eyes.

"I didn't say that Lara, you are more than that and you know it"

"No,  I don't know!  when you saw her did she bring back some memories?"

"No, but am sure it will come eventually. Why all this question?"

"I want to know where I stand K, you found your so called wife and where do that leave me? "

"She is my wife, we could still continue. She may be my wife but I want you"

"Please you know very well you can't have both. I came looking for you took this damn job to be close to you. So you could remember me and only me not to believe some b***** that shows up and claims she is your wife!"

"Calm down Lara, I know you are angry I forgive you"

"Do you hear yourself, I don't want forgiveness I want you to remember  me. To remember I am your wife, to remember we have a son,  to remember the live we shared. Is it too hard to do? "

She was a crying already, the cat was out of the bag she felt relieved but at what cost?

"Stop it! you are not my wife okay. You are just the... "

She didn't let him finish when she felt her hand connect with his cheeks.

"I won't let you speak I'll of me, if you doubt me force your brain to remember. We arrried four years ago, weet at sun city and we had a private wedding"

"Stop it! "

"You hate swimming because you almost drowned when you were a kid, you got the scar on your right thigh when we went on honey moon  in Jamaica. You got attacked buy some hoodlums when you went shopping one day. How did you think I knew you were allergic to chocolate when you never told me?.
You named our child Aaron after your grand father"

"Enough of this madness, Sarah is my wife and I know it. She has the same features from my memories, so stop talking about what you don't know."

"I should have moved on, looking for you was a big mistake. It would have been better if I kept on believing you were still dead." Each word pierced her heart more, the pain she felt was worse compared to when she learnt he was dead.

"Don't worry you can go to your wife I was only your mistress after all"

The rain had stopped falling, she glanced at the man whom she vowed to be with in all situations. He wasn't the one he was someone else, entirely. She decided that he was dead, walking out was hard  but it was for the best. The only thing that came out from this was her being broken again this time she was sure nothing can ever mend her.


So sorry for the late update, I always came up blank when I was tried updating. Am glad I was able to update.

Thanks for not giving up on the book.

Poor Clara

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